In this book there will be myths told a long time ago what they all have in common is that they all have bulls in them either as the main character in it or is in the story as a metaphor, namely the myths in here will be the minotaur, the Bullring a...
Whilst this legend isn't known by many it is a brilliant tale, it begins with a man/group that wanted to make a market and as the market grew it gained the attention of an old spirit that wanted to protect but not protect in the normal sense, since he wanted to protect people from being materialistic but back then that wasn't really a problem. As the years went on with all the problems in the world like WW I + WW II, he lived having never really to do much. He never needed a physical form as even if there wasn't peace in the world there was peace for him. Other than those trials and tribulations in the human world that didn't affect him he would be kind and take from those who have too much and give to those who have too little, by planting suggestions into people's head. Now this may be sounding a bit like the Robin Hood folk-law, with how he took from the rich and gave to the poor, in all honesty it may be his spirit that wished to protect and help but we'll never know. For now, as he is so much like Robin let's call him that.In the 1900 at some point a group of people wanted to make a mall more than a market. So that's what they did, they developed the market a mall witch they called it the bull ring, as this was going on Robin watched as he sensed that this would be a place where people would become more materialistic. And with the building came four metal bulls to guard and protect. This gathered Robins attention, who wanted a form of a bull which could stand tall. These where the original bulls, made for the opening of the bullring. His first thoughts were to possess one of the bulls to give him a physical form but that didn't end well for him. As well as it being straining for him he would need help, as while spirits can plant suggestions into people's head and move things, these activities don't use much energy were as possessing something takes a massive amount of energy to do. The help of magic which isn't as unbelievable as you may think, and while I don't remember where I've heard it this explained magic very well "Well, it's just a different sort of science. You lot, you chose mathematics. Given the right string of numbers, the right equation, you can split the atom. Carrionites use words instead." But anyway, when Robin found a girl a random witch to help with getting a form and this is where it went south for him, as she started a fire instead of helping him poses the metal bull, which in the end damaged the bull. This happened as she was probable a young witch that didn't have full control of her powers.As the years carried on the bulls went missing, which all the humans didn't understand where they went, but Robin did as he was the one to take them and hide them it may be in the Bermuda Triangle or somewhere where we won't look but.... We will never know, and we will never know why he didn't just leave it other than maybe he had a plan, or he just didn't like them. In the early 2000's the Robin met an artist named Laurence Broderick which he wasn't just a artist, he was something called a wizard witch if you have read or seen Harry Potter then you know that that is a male witch, a powerful wizard, he was a powerful wizard as artists have magic and the better or more of their power or emotion into work, makes the powers stronger.So, in early 2002 Laurence was asked to make a bull statue for the bull ring which to be honest is lucky.... Not like it's because this is a legend or anything.... But any way on words, when he got this commission, Robin found him and asked for help, so they made plans on how to possess the statue and what form he wanted to have. After all the planning they had a plan of attack, which after making a smaller model witch the spirit was happy with and so was Birmingham council even though they didn't know that Robin would be possessing the statue.. They also found out from way too much reading that it would be easier to posses the bull if the spirit helped a lot with the making of the bull. So they started making the bull, making a clay one first and then casting it in bronze, and then when it came to making it bigger they made the form from polystyrene and shaped it and casted it in bronze and while I doubt you know this bronze alloy is approximately 85% copper, 5% tin, 5% lead and 5% zinc, this is important as copper, other than just being a conductor, is less reactive to chemicals, it is very reactive to spirits and if a familiar spell is cast on it, it will combine that spirit and object together till the end of the spell bearers life, witch in the case this wizard would be a long time.The actual spell that was cased is a very violent one, if you have seen films like 'sleeping beauty' or 'sword in the stone' both from Disney the magic in them are colourful and full of funny words, well this is similar with odd words that maybe in a different language and I bet if you some how translated it, it wouldn't make any sense, and the colours and explosions that came from it would shock you that the studio didn't get destroyed.The wizard and spirit stood in front of the bull statue all done, almost ready to give to the statue to the council. As they prepared to link the spirit to the bull so he could properly posses it, the wind blew around them in the studio swirling the paper that was on the side and the pages of a book Broderick had left on the side forgotten about, he muttered words under his breath so all you would hear is a word every so often, with him waving a arm in a circular motion, as the process went on the spirit could feel the pull towards the bull statue and as that started the chaos and explosions started to happen starting from little tiny ones to massive ones , none of which where the normal yellow/ orange. They were all bright colours or a blend of colours, some explosions would fizz after some would have a little pop, the colours in the end turned into a cloud that went into the bull.At first this confused the spirit so he turned to the wizard with a look of anger but when the wizard made a tired turn around gesture the angry look vanished and the creak of metal moving told this spirit something happened, turning around it saw the bulls head turned in its direction and then the body moved tuning to the spirit, and made a run to it, charging as if the spirit was a red cape getting waved around by a matador, charging start through the spirit, making it so the spirit was fully linked to it. As soon as the bull had gone thorough the spirit it stopped moving retuning to its original form skidding to a stop in front of the wizard.The wizard looked at the bull and then looked around his studio to find the spirit, but he couldn't see it until he saw the bull move a little to look at him, and with a raised brow. That made the wizard jump as it shouldn't have worked that fast, but as the spirit possessed and joined with the bull. The weirdest bit was that the bull then moved towards him and nudged him ever so slightly witch the wizard took as a thank you but seeing the spirit was not normal as he was acting like an animal. The wizard was confused but as if by instinct raised his hand and petted the bull, witch then returned the bull well spirit back to its normal personality and moved away with loud creaks. Moving to the box that it was to be transported in and went into its sculpted position and stilled completely, the imposable shine that was on the surface dulled to a normal shiny bronze.On the 4th September 2003 the bull was shown to the world with a bang and as the myth goes he is mystiveus in his ways of helping the the poor people of Birmingham and in stopping the materialistic people for being just that, still planting thoughts into people's head but no one has seen the bull do anything else, so could it be the bull or people just realising they are materialistic or just selfish? But considering that the bullring is one of the biggest shopping centres is her really doing a good job at this or just lazy. we shall never know.There are some who believe in this whole heartedly and have made little necklaces and statues to pray or to just appreciate the spirit, kind of how the romans had statuses of their gods or how the Egyptians had little figures of their gods to bring them luck, or like how Catholics wear a cross around their neck to ward away evil. Some just have this as a souvenir of their time in Birmingham without knowing the meaning of it.
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