Tendra/Datness and Katness.

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Katness's POV

I didn't mean to kill her. That dumb humanoid black pug with red hair put me in a trance. now she's gone, Datness... no Tendra is gone, the love of my life.She the only one who was ever there for me. Killed by my own hands... She would want me to move on knowing that i was controlled but, its going to be hard to, I followed that pug back to his dimension knowing that ours had nothing left in it for us. He said something about there doubles? I have no clue, all i know i is Tendra was my "double" and that we cant live peacefully together which is complete and utter  lies. But he said when you kill your double their soul will move into your body? i hope thats true because i miss her.. This world looks amazing, its going to be a fresh start. I wonder,  *Fire appears me* yup powers still work. I wander around till i walk into a group or people, it has a pug as well, this one is beige and blue hair... is that what he meant by opposites? "Hey, who are you and wha-" the pug was cut off by a red hair woman "are you ok, you are hurt and covered in scoot marks?!?" i replay " i don't know, i followed a black pug to this universe after he made me drink some kind of mind control potion and made me..." i trailed off and tears started to run down my face, "What did Duni make you do?!?!" the girl butted in before i could speak "Uni! don't she's crying he must of made her do something awful and she's hurt, we should help her out first!" the pug tried to rebuttal "But Ashlie, she might know where he is!" "Ashlie is right Uni we need to help her" said a guy with glasses, just then i felt dizzy and fell to my knees and as that happened the blue robot and Ashlie rushed over to me, just then blackness consumed me.

Ashlie's POV

The girl fell to her knees Dawn was already on his way to her when i looked over, "hey can you still hear me?" she didn't respond. Nick, Jon, and surprisingly Tommy and Cory started to set up a temporary camp, uni was just standing there he was probably feeling bad, me and Dawn were working on wrapping up the big gash on her gut and thats when i noticed fresh cuts, she was cutting herself before she ran into us. "Dawn, she cuts" i said in a low tone so the others didn't hear. He looked at her wrists and saw the cuts, he nodded and handed me the smaller set of bandages and i wrapped them, i looked at her face, she looked like she has been crying for a while now, i carefully pick her up and brought her to my sleeping bag, i laid her downed. I sat down beside her to keep an eye on her Nick and Dawn decided to keep me company. "I could smell her bleeding from a bit aways. I think i even heard her scream" said Nick glancing at her. i sigh, "Could that mean Duni is nearby and could attack?" said Jon who walked over, "No i doubt he would, he likes Uni too much to hurt us, but didn't she say something about a different dimension?" Dawn said thinking about her words "Yeah, she said she followed Duni here after whatever he made her do..." i say thinking, "I scanned the scoot and areas where the burns were supposed to be, her body is weird, it doesn't react to heat or fire, it could be a power of hers." Dawn said looking down at her finishing his scan. we remain silent for awhile after that. then she started to wake up, crying and hyperventilating.

Katness's POV

I shot awake after remembering what he made me do, i started to cry and hyperventilating, i couldn't breathe and my chest hurt, in more than one way. Its then i remembered what that Duni guy did to me, he slashed at me and got a hit, " Hey, hey its ok, Were here to help you just calm down and breathe." The Ashlie girl said, " Just relax and we will have Dawn *she jesters to the robot* and Me take a look at how your wounds doing."  "N-NO STAY AWAY, You'll get Hurt," I feel my eyes light up, they changed color to a bright red. I spring to my feet despite the pain and try to run away, but the green and purple Jester guy grabs me, i made my arm on fire to get him off me without thinking and just started running, afraid of what might happen if i don't get away in time. I could burn this whole place down, 

After an hour or so of running i just collapse, im too tired and probably lost way too much blood, I use the rest of my strength to climb a tree to get off the ground away from animals. wait.. shit, Ashlie and the glasses guy said something about smelling my blood, their vampires... welp they are going to find me, and since i cant move anymore, they will try help me or kill me.. and i'm fine with it. If i'm going to die, i'll be at peace, i'll be with her. I lay there, Might as well sing something. She loved this song, i'll sing it for her.

As I finish up the song, i hear footsteps coming, "HEY I THINK I FOUND HER" glasses yells off into the distance, hes just below the tree. He climbed up the tree and sat on the branch beside me "hey can you hear me?" he aked "yeah.. why do you care about me..." i asked out of the blue "Well your injured for one, and two you ran into someone we have been trying to stop"he said "That stupid fucking black pug?" i said with hate in my voice "Yeah... his Name is Duni, Hes Uni's Doppleganger" he says "My name is Katness, but just call me Kat, whats your name glasses?" he chuckles at me calling him glasses "Im Nick, so who's names do you know in the group?" "I know the Uni pug guy, the Ashlie girl, your name now and Dawn the robot. So who were the others? Also who's the the one I burned? And is he ok?" i asked concerned "The one you hurt is JonJon, he likes to be called Jon, he's fine only a slight burn, he let go in time. The the camera face is Corey, The one with the emoji mask is Tommy, we have a few others but they are at home." he said. "What was your dimension like?" Nick asked out of no where "Umm it was a world spilt in more ways than one, The fights even wars, between Humans and Hybrids, The Inter hybrid wars between wolves and foxes, even the occasional double fights-" "Doubles? Like the D gang?" "Yes, but in my dimension we learned to live and thrive with them. Mine... mine was my lover...She a wolf me a fox, from the start we had the odds against us...... but s-shes gone now." I started crying. I hear other footsteps approach "Nick Why is she crying?!?" Ashlie shouted "I was talking to her and accidentally brought up a sensitive subject." "Nick You have to be careful with that type of stuff!"  She exclaimed "Ok, ok enough, you can yell at me when we get somewhere safe, Shes lost a lot of blood and i sense other vampires around." Nick said "O-oh is that the presence i feel nearby" i mumbled. i leaned closer towards nick so he could get me off the branch but i fell off the branch Nick couldn't grab me in time. I was falling off a 100 meter tall tree..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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