Chapter One: There He Was

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Here I was, standing alone as people were walking past me the rain was pouring hard and I started to get cold but I shook it off, I could see them but they couldn't see me or just didn't care to see me. I tried calling out for help but no sound was coming out, I started to panic thinking am I dead or invisible. At the other side of the path, there was a man, he had his head down. He was about 5'11 in height, he had a baseball cap to cover his face and he was carrying an umbrella and he was wearing a long coat and He was walking towards me who is he? He looked oddly familiar but I couldn't tell, is he from my past? Or from my future? I needed to find out. I yelled out, "Sir! Sir! Can you see me?! Or hear me?!" He looked up surprised cause someone could see him, no one could see him but her? Who is She? This girl who was standing there, shivering cause she didn't have any protection from the harsh weather whose clothes were dirty and bloody, she looks like 5'5 in height, brown hair and brown eyes and glasses she was breathtaking but she looked oddly familiar as well is she from my past or my future I needed to find out. He walked up to me quickly and He finally approached me and said, "Yes I can see you and hear you.... But how can you see me?" I started to look at him, the same question was fogging my head, the more I looked at him I could recognize him but who was he? I answered in confusion, "I could ask you the same question...." He put his umbrella over the both of us to protect us from the pouring rain. I looked up at him, since he was taller than me, I started to look at his features, he was young and handsome as well, he suddenly looked at me, his brown eyes I could see sadness in his eyes. Poor thing... He asked in a kind tone, "Are you cold miss? " I nodded my head fast responding quickly to his question. And then he said, "Come on Let's get to my house to get you warm miss. And get you into different clothes since they are dirty and bloody." We started to walk to his house and when we got there we quickly went inside and He shut the door after I went in, He hung his coat and umbrella to dry. "Ah, this is much better being inside than outside don't you think miss?" He smiled and as he smiled dimples appeared on his cheeks. I looked at him and said, "Yes, thank you for letting me into your home sir." He smiled some more, "You're welcome miss." He walked to the fireplace in the living room and started the fire, He looked at me and said, "Stand by the fire to get warm, I'll find clothes for you, okay miss?" and he walked off. I walked to the fireplace, I stood there slowly getting warm. He came back very fast and handing me a pair of clothes. "This is what I found, I didn't have any...." He gulped nervously. "I didn't have any lingerie." I nodded. "Its okay sir, this is fine thank you." He nodded at my response, He walked me to an room so I could get dressed privately. When I walked in and he closed the door, when I heard footsteps disappearing into the distance, I started to get undressed, in front of me was a mirror reflecting my own image back to me, I looked at my back and saw my whipped scars across my back and there was burn marks and bruises. I put on the new warm huge shirt on me I paused looking at the dirt and blood all over my body, I took off the new warm huge shirt and went to the bathroom that was located inside of the bedroom, I hope he doesn't mind if I took a shower, I turned on the water, as the water got warm and I hopped in getting clean off.

As he walked back to the kitchen near the living room. He heard the shower going, he didn't mind if she took a shower since she was in fact dirty and bloody. He started to make warm coffee in the coffee maker, He put his hands on counter thinking deeply as the coffee maker slowly started to warm up. So many questions and concerns were racing in his mind and he couldn't make it stop. He sighed and grabbed two coffee mugs from the top cabinet.

I step out of the shower and quickly dried off, putting on the new huge warm shirt and put on the the sweatpants and tied it to make sure it fit me and putting my partially dried up in a messy bun, I walked out of the bathroom and then out of the bedroom, knowing it was the gentlemen's bedroom, I walked to the kitchen, smelling fresh coffee being made, I sat in the chair in front of the table. he turned and faced me, "That was quick." He mentioned to himself as he poured two mugs and he put cup back since it still had coffee in it, he carried the mugs to the table and sat one in front of me and he asked, "Sugar? Creamer?" I answered "Yes please." He walked to the fridge and grabbed the creamer, I sat there cupping my hands around my mug and staring at my mug. He grabbed the sugar and sat down in the chair in front of me. He looked at me and he asked. "May I ask what your name is miss?" I looked up and answered, "My name is Phoebe. What's Yours?" "Namjoon." He answered. "It is nice to meet you Phoebe." He put his hand out for an handshake, I put my hand out and we shaked hands. "It is nice to meet you as well Namjoon." As we shaked hands, we both felt a jolt of lighting in our veins and we had foggy visions of us from our past life, we put our hands away and breathed heavily and we looked at each other, "What just happen?" we both asked. 

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