Daddy Erwin X Mommy Reader// Child Levi

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25th December, Rose Hospital. 

I was surrounded by Nurses and Doctors, all encouraging me and praising me for doing so well. Their words of praise were not what kept me trying and pushing, it was the words of my husband, Erwin Smith. 

Erwin: Just one more push Y/n! He says with a smile as he squeezed my hand tightly. 

I nodded with a smile as tears of pain fell from my eyes, I pushed and pushed with all the strength that I had left in me... It felt as though I was going to be ripped in half down there...

However, my last push was accompanied by crying and cheers. I had done it, my baby was now here. I rested my head back in my pillow with a deep sigh of relief as I turned over and looked at Erwin, who was crying like the big softie he was...

Erwin: *picks up hand and kisses it gently, his tears dropping onto it* I'm so proud of you...

Y/n: Thank you my dear... You say with a big smile

After the umbilical cord was cut, your baby was handed to you by one of the nurses.

You sat up and Erwin stood next to you hovering over you and the baby as he held its hand gently.

Nurse: You both have a beautiful and healthy boy, what are you going to call him?

You and Erwin exchange glances before smiling and turning your attention back on the baby.

Erwin: I think we'll name him Levi... He says proudly as he gazes at his beautiful son, who is stirring in his sleep in his mother's arms. 


Three Years Later, November 26th.

You and Erwin were relaxing under the warmth of your grey fluffy blanket, flipping through the photo albums of when Levi was born and even of memories that you both had shared prior to his birth. 

You both exchanged giggles as you flipped through these memories one page and one photo at a time. 

As Erwin flipped the page, we both noticed a picture of the time that we had played a prank on Hanji and Mike. They are our closest companions, they had been with us since we were all so young... This photo was taken on the day that Erwin and I had gotten home from University early and discovered the two sharing some 'private time'. We both chuckled at how hard we had to try not to laugh during that moment, since we had suspected that they had shared feelings for eachother, but they always denied it and just chalked it up to it just being friendliness. Of course Erwin and I could not pass up the opportunity to capture this moment. So we grabbed our camera and opened the door a little just so we could get the picture, but it made a loud creaking noise (naturally), which of course alerted the duo who were shocked to say the least. Erwin did however, manage to take the photograph of the two on top of eachother, red faced. 

Erwin sighed as he rested his feet upon the grey footstool that stood in front of us, he then wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, so I could snuggle into his shoulder. 

Erwin: Those were the Golden days my dear. He says with a sigh and a smile as he places a gentle kiss upon my head.

I turn a decent amount of pages in our photo album, and place my hand on his under the warm blanket, and look up at him, my e/c eyes fixed on his bright blue ones.

Y/n: We have made more golden days, and there will be plenty more to come my dear. I say with a bright smile as I hold one of Erwin's fingers and guide it to the page I was on. 

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