JD and Veronica

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Just A Moment

Rain streaked the foggy windows of the seven-eleven as a tall boy in a trench coat made his way to a slushy-dispenser. The store was virtually empty except for him. Usually it would be at eleven on a Friday night. The cashier would retire to his office until a customer stepped forwards, or occasionally a trucker would pop in for a midnight snack, but normally it was empty excite for one boy. A tall boy in a trench coat, who would always wonder down the aisles, slushy in hand.

Suddenly, the bell chimed as the doors opened, a steamy gust of air wafting in from the rainy world outside. A girl with dark hair silently made her way over to a shelf and pretended to be looking through a selection of corn-nuts, but really her gaze was darting around, searching for the only person occupying the store. "I'm surprised you came." Jason Dean said, slowly stepping out from behind one of the many shelves. "Most people wouldn't come out to a seven-eleven in the middle of the night."

"In the rain." Veronica added, smiling over at the boy. "Care for a hit?" JD asked, holding out his cup to Veronica, which she gladly took. "We have to find a different place. Mom thinks I'm weird, constantly coming to seven-eleven, thinks I'm shoplifting or something." She joked. "Wish my mom was around to care where I went." JD said bitterly, leaning against the shelf.

"I wish it wasn't raining, I was going to take you out for a ride." He admitted somewhat regretfully. Veronica came to stand by him. "It's alright, I don't mind what we do." She said honestly. JD gazed at her, watching as she absent-mindedly stared out the store's window. Veronica Sawyer was the one person in the entire world he would die for.

While he was watching her, he noticed that her shoulders had tensed. He frowned. She always seemed stressed now for some reason. "Has Heather been bothering you lately?" He asked. By Heather he meant Heather Chandler, the most popular and mean girl in all of Ohio. "Things are fine." Veronica says, giving him a wary smile. JD scowled. He could tell she was lying. "You should just leave her. There are plenty of people who want to be your friend. Heather only has power because everyone gives it to her."

Veronica looked stunned. "Leave her?" She repeated. "JD, she's the only thing that keeps me above everybody." JD shook his head and sighed. He couldn't understand why people worshiped the blonde. "Alright, just know, anytime you need dirt on her, I've got it." Veronica gave a small laugh. "Trust me, I know."

As Veronica turned to look out the window, JD was suddenly aware of the pistole that was looped in his belt, concealed, but always there. He glanced at Veronica. He had a plan to get rid of Heather, he just hadn't told her yet. Some might say it's because he knew Veronica would never be okay with it, but he knew the real reason. It's because Jason Dean knew the moment he said the words out loud, any peace left in Sherwood Ohio would be shattered. And right now, all he wanted to do was have just a moment to breath. He just wanted to sit in a seven-eleven with his girlfriend and listen to the rain.

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