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Profile name :Han Jisung
Age: 18
height:169 cm (5'7)
blood type: B
birthday:September 14 , 2000
General Info: born in Incheon, South Korea.
one older brother.
used to live and study in Malaysia.
can speak English.
shoe size is 255 mm.
Death time: Between 17:00 to 18:00
Cause of death:Shot once in the stomach
death location: Out side of small business noodle shop 'Mijin'
Date of death: September 14, 2019

We've spent weeks investigating the Jisung case but never found any leads but the note on his ches and his death wasn't a suicide, but it's his hand writing.

"창조되고 파괴 된, 불 태우고 회복하다. 다시 삶을 찾다 나는 진실로 죽지 않았다. 나는 아직도 살아있다."

That's all the note says but none of us get it, how could he not really be dead? This must have been wrote days or maybe weeks before his death, maybe for lyrics or something? The case has gotten cold, his friends don't know anything and we don't know where Felix or Minho are. They might be a big piece to this puzzle, it's just at the moment they can't be found. Seungmin tried to contact them but he had no luck, just like the others. All of us are thinking of just putting the case aside, it's hard enough to say what kind of death this is. It could be a suicide, but there's no gun around for him to have shot himself, so it has to be a murder. What ever, we just need to find out who did it.
"Officer Hyunjin!"
"What is it Chan?"
He busted in the office, me and Chan have known each other for a while and we both came to this career cause we loved the idea. I love working with him and he's the same with me.
"The Minho guy we have been looking for, he's dead. same place as Jisung, there's a note here to."
I just smile. We have a lead! If this keeps up we could crack this case!

The scene was worse then Jisung's death, more blood and this time stabs.
"Chan what time is it."
"20:00 sir"
"Write down death from 19:30 to 20:00, the blood is still thick and warm so it had to have happened by then at it?"
"Yes sir."

Chan can't handle blood most of the time, I'm surprised he came to be honest. I continued to look around the scene and I saw a wallet, I pick it up and everything is gone.
"Here's the note Hyunjin."
Chan spoke which startled me a bit so I turned around and glared at him as I snatched the note.

"나를 살고 호흡하라.수영과 떠있는, 시체가 춥다. 그러나 피는 여전히 따뜻하다. 내가 다시 한번 달릴 때. 내가 찾을 수없고 보지 못한다는 것을 깨닫는다. 무너지고 강물이 부서지면서 당신의 모든 결함을 보아라."

My body is cold, but the blood is still warm? What? And again the same hand writing as Jisung's, we NEED to find this sicko.

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