Why Me A Justlena 9/11 One Shot

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Taylor Swift POV~

I looked up at the grey sky. Chunks of metal, big and small, were flying around everywhere. The south tower of the World Trade Center had just been hit. This was definitely not an accident. "Taylor!" I heard. I turned around and saw Ryan and Justin running towards me. Ryan pulled me into a tight hug. I tightened my grip on him. "Where's Selena?!" Justin shouted over the screaming and crying on everyone around us. "She got out right?!" he asked. "I don't know Jay!" I shouted back. We were both in the north tower. I got out, but I wasn't sure about Selena. We all watched the ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars zoom past one after another. People were locking themselves inside, hiding under cars, and running around frantically. People were jumping out of the tower, making people scream louder. "You need to leave!" A policeman yelled at us. "No!" Justin shouted. "Justin! Listen to him! We have to get out of here!" Ryan shouted. "Not until I know Selena's okay!" he shouted back. We watched as the south tower collapsed, which made people scream even louder. I hid my face in Ryan's chest and he rubbed my back. "Justin! We're leaving!" he yelled, taking my hand. "You can stay here and get yourself killed, or come with us!" "Just go!" Justin yelled, running closer to the towers.

Selena POV~

I had no idea what do to, or where to go. The only exit was blocked by fire. I had two choices. Burn, or jump. I'd lose my life either way, so I guess it didn't matter. I just sat in a corner and prayed this was all a terrible, horrifying dream. I couldn't see and I could barely breathe because of the smoke. I was coughing and crying like crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about Justin. This was it, I'd never see him again. Ever.

Taylor POV~

I ran after Justin, but Ryan pulled me back. "Let him go Taylor!" "I can't! He's my brother!" I started crying. "Taylor come on!" He pulled me to the car and we got in. I just stared back and gasped as the north tower collapsed. "Selena!" I yelled. Ryan looked back. "Oh my God..." he said. We both got out and ran towards Justin, who was on his knees crying. We kneeled next to him, rubbing his back and crying as well. I saw blood drip from his hand. "Justin, why are you bleeding?" I asked. "I-I'm sorry Tay..." he said, looking up at me. "For wh-" I stopped seeing him slowly pull the pocket knife from his stomach. His whole body was shaking violently as he cried harder. "J-Justin, why would you do that?" "I l-loved her Taylor!" he shouted, crying harder than I've ever heard him cry. Ryan took off his sweater, leaving himself in a t-shirt. He gave it to me and I pressed it against Justin's wound. He winced then pushed my hand away. "Stop! Selena's g-gone! She goes, I go! Just l-leave!" "I am not leaving my b-baby brother here to die! Y-You can't do this to m-me Justin!" I screamed, crying harder also. "Please..." I whispered. No one could hear because of the screaming going on around. Justin kissed my head. "I love you." he said as his eyes closed. "Justin Drew Bieber you can't do this to me! Keep your eyes open dammit!" I yelled as I shook him. I cried, kissing his head repeatedly. "Jay, please." my voice cracked. "I need you just as much as Selena needed you." I said, taking his hand. He squeezed it, then released it, his hand falling to his side. "No!" I screamed as Ryan pulled me back. I just lost my best friend and my baby brother in less than 10 minutes. I couldn't believe this. I wouldn't. It's not real. It's just a dream. It had to be. It had too.



I still remember that day. September 11, 2001. It was the 11th anniversary on 9/11 today. The day my baby brother died. The day my best friend died. The day America was attacked. Over 3,000 lives were lost. 1,500 children left with only one parent. Many left with none. 86 nations represented at the World Trade Center. The north tower was hit first, but the south tower was the first to collapse. Many people were confused, and scared. In fact, all of us were. Especially me. To this day I wonder why Justin and Selena were taken. I ask myself that question everyday. Why not me?

Why Me A Justlena 9/11 One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now