The Subway

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Prosperity's P.O.V.
   A cool chill hits my face as I step out from an alleyway. It was starting to get dark in the city, the breath of winter kissing the air. I look around and make my way to the subway station. It was a good escape from the carnivorous winters in the city for the homeless. It wouldn't be too safe after ten for the women like me though.
   Making my way down the stairs I find my bag and look for the photo of my mom. She somehow always gives me strength to go on. Even through a photograph... I'll find you mom. I'm thinking about moving areas again, as one of the other guys down here keeps slowly coming closer to my spot each night. I think he wants to steal from me, or worse...
       The problem with that is that this is starting to go towards the upper part of town, and I make good scores here so that I can catch Dinner or a Hotel Room. I've stopped trying the shelters because they get full too fast, and usually it's better for those who can't survive out here. 
       Speaking of scores, I spot my next target, coming down the stairs. He's good looking, younger so maybe a bit naïve, tall, and pretty muscular. I need to be very careful about this one. He could be more work than it's worth, but he is in a suit. From the looks of it, it's tailored for him specifically. I start to run as he's looking into his bag, looking behind me. I slam into him and we end up on the ground.
    "What the fuck?!" He yells as we hit the ground. Panting, I look up at him scared.
      "I-I'm sorry Sir... I-I didn't mean to-" I start to get off of him, slipping a wallet out of his pocket carefully, and smoothly tucking it into my hoodie sleeve. "I-I saw a man and he was coming after me. I was so scared I-I'm so sorry" I start to tear up, thinking about what my dad would say to me. Crying on cue is easy if you know what to think about.
      He sighs angrily. "It's fine kid. Just get outta my sight." He says standing up. I do as he says and stick my hands in my pockets, walking away fast, opposite from where I was running from. Cohesive stories make them less suspicious, I'm glancing around like I'm nervous. I've played this game before.
       "Stupid Bitch, Get Back here!" I hear him say. He must have realized right away. Smart guy, not many people do right away. He caught up quickly with me and grabs my upper arm roughly, turning me around to face him.
       "Wallet, now." He says sternly holding out his other hand, while keeping a grip on my upper arm. It might bruise at this rate. I start to reach into my pocket for it and he says "You better hope if you have a gun you know how to use it and you're a damn good shot little girl. I'm trained for knife defense." He warns.
      "I'm not pulling a weapon jackass that's not how I roll. I'm getting your wallet as you wanted, so calm the fuck down." I answer annoyed. He grips my upper arm a little tighter and I place the wallet in his hand and wait for him to let go. The train is starting to come, and I don't think he wants to miss it.
        "Good, now lets go." He says pulling me towards the platform. Wait, what? I start to try and fight him and he turns and looks down at me. "You have two options. You can come with me nice and quietly or I can tell that nice officer over there what just happened. What's it going to be kid?" He says pointing the officer out to me.
    "At least let me grab my stuff, you can come with me... but it's all I have... please..." I answer. He looks skeptical "You can check it when we get wherever we are going..." He laughs angrily.
   "Damn straight I was." He looks down at me for a few more minutes, as we hear the horn approaching. "Hurry up, where is it? No tricks kid, I mean it." He says. I start almost running, trying to get him to go faster towards my stuff. It's in a corner, and he has me cornered, so he lets go of my arm so that I can pack up what was out and clean up my area. Luckily there wasn't much to clean because I was next to a trash can.
      "You done yet?!" He yells over the horn of the coming train. I pull my backpack on and nod. He grabs my upper arm tightly again and pulls me towards the platform quickly. The train lets off and he pulls me on. A pit has formed in my stomach, a tell tale sign of how scared I am with this man.
       I stay silent on the way, and so does he so far, who is this man? Will I die over an attempted theft? It wasn't even burglary! He must have noticed that I was worried, because he clears his throat.
        "Obey my house rules and the terms of your new sentence and I won't have to punish you. Should you choose not to obey my rules you will have to learn the hard way. I'm not an unreasonable man. I understand that you will have to get used to your new schedule, and that is fine. However, I do not accept this as a complete excuse for misbehaving, and the only way to learn is by making mistakes. You need to learn though that your actions have consequences. Something you must have not been taught as this is what you are doing with your life." He says. I stay quiet. "You May call me Sir, Master, or Owner when we are alone. If we are in public or there are guests who I do not specify to use these terms then you can call me Caspian. Understand?" He asks. I nod.
      "I want to hear words child, not whatever brains you have rattle. Do you understand?" He says again.
       "Yes Caspian." I answer looking down. He's starting to remind me of my dad. I need to get out of this situation as soon as possible. I left my dad for a reason and I refuse to deal with another person exactly like him. I refuse.


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