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August 3rd, somewhere in Europe, 0900 hours

     There is a girl in her room lying down and looking at the ceiling like its the most interesting sight next to star gazing. Taking in every plain white tile carefully, looking for cracks and seeing if any chipping could be spotted around the corners. So far there were none to be seen. The girl scowled, mentally cursing the people who took care of her room to well to even give it some character. Space was bare as it is what with the plain grey walls, decorated with dull still-life paintings, and polished smooth white tile flooring. She stood up, the bed creaking gently under her weight as she sighed heavily, grabbing what little was needed and headed out of her plain room. 

     The moment she stepped out, all was a buzz in the hallway with others like her. Some were fish while others were more exotic like porcupines. Looking around you can see most were off about to do something productive. There would be a harpey ruffling its feathers in frustration as she talked on the mic to someone, a  group of were-wolves talking in a corner discussing stealth tactics, a were-cat cheetah whizzing by with a package, normally what you see in a typical morning for the agents of the S.W.A. But usually, there would be more of a ruckus just around this moment.

     'Katerina! Kat! Wait a moment.' Someone called out. The girl turned around, seeing a tired wobbling gargoyle huffing his way through the busy crowd,  desperately reaching out to the were-cat girl. Katerina chuckled as the little gargoyle boy finally caught up to her. 'I was...looking for you...everywhere...but I couldn't Son of a granite, I'm so tired.'

     Katerina gave the boy a pat on his head. 'Hang in there little Henry.'

    ' Don't you understand how hard it is to be your friend? You are so intimidating that it makes it hard for normal monsters to approach you. So very few can stand next to you equally.' , Katerina didn't think much of what other monsters and normies thought about her as someone who is to be feared. It would never matter anyway since as long as the monster's she knew don't care for who she is, and what she does, then there was no worry.

     ' I thought you would be in the training room', Henry continued, 'but I was surprised to see that you weren't there. So I went to look for you all around HQ.' He huffed, still slightly out of breath. 

     'Yeah, no, I...well I was on my way there. I was just caught up in getting ready.'

     'Well get back in the dorms, that tomcat idiot told me to get you ASAP.' The monster boy looked to be irritated from having to encounter the"tomcat idiot" that morning. His expression deadpan from thinking back on his conversation woth the other monster, 'For what reason he want's to see you badly? I don't care. Just get to him before he bothers me even more on this already horrible morning'

     The girl only heaved a sigh, thinking this could be either good or annoying. No matter how urgent the so-called idiot needed her it has always ended up in a rather poor attempt to flirt his way to a one night dinner date in the lounge. 'Alright, I'll go and see what he wants. You go back to the training room and shape up. With you being this short it would be impossible to see you during a mission.'

     'Ha. Ha. Very funny. Hit the tomcat would you? It's annoying to see him this early in the day.' Henry growled, stalking through the mass of many monsters. Leaving a grinning Katerina looking back at him.

     'Gladly.' She laughed before walking back to the male dorms, of course that was before walking around first for 30 minutes after Henry left and the heading to the male drom section not to far from her own drom-room.  It didn't really take long for her to reach the hallway where she would find the door to a certain someone's room. Rather it just took a while for her to collect herself, looking at the nameplate in bold bronze lettering, before finally knocking on the door. She would be lying if she hoped for the door to open. Would rather for the person in the room to not be home and she could walk back to where she was about to  head off to. Forgetting that she was even here to begin with and move on. That's not to much to ask, right?

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