John Constantine - Sending out an SOS

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"This is Y/N log, time date 38.13.9. y/n checking in" I say as I fix my webcam.
" I think I finally found my place," I say relieved"  So I know I said I was looking for some peace and quiet but somehow I find peace in all this chaos." I smile."  important updates since last time: I have a spot on the chore wheel and ray said that makes me officially a legend. I highly doubt that. I found out that zari is from the future and boy things don't get any better for metas. Argus is hunting them down so that really sucks, I hope we can hack history somehow so that we can prevent that from happening. Charlie is diehard crushing on Zari, how I found out? Well, she pushed me against the wall and made it clear to me that she was hers. I told her that I didn't like Zari that way which seemed to cool her down.´ my eyes fell at a book on my table and I showed it to the camera´ I finally read Mick's book, I didn't expect mick being such a great writer. no spoilers.´ I say smiling. Gary and Mona gave me a tour of the time bureau and I met Ava and Nate. they seem nice, we didn't really get the chance to talk because they were so busy.  totally shipping Sara and Ava, tho. ´ i say while laughing at the camera'   Sara bunked me with John, which I don't mind. he has lent me a book about demons and I have lent him my log of spells that I have picked up during my travels. he is a great roommate, except that he has a habit to walk in the nude, I mean can you blame me. " my cheeks turn red "He has a great bum but it's a little distracting. just a little." 'SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING YOUR LOG Y/N BUTT CAPTAIN LANCE HAS REQUESTED YOU ON THE BRIDGE." " thanks, Gideon. log over and out.'i say as I wipe the image of johns butt off my mind.

My screen turns black and I make my way down to the bridge,  there I find the rest of the team . "1979 New York,  disappearing art and multiple blackouts around the city.´ said Sara, I listened carefully but I was still thinking about the brit. ´you're with us luv' John asked and the whole crew looked at you.' yes yes I am' i say quickly, John looked at me with a smile and turned back to Sara.´  our job stops any more heists at the museum and finds out the reason for the blackouts. I need .." "SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING CAPTAIN BUT THERE IS AN INCOMING CALL FROM DIRECTOR SHARPE" "Put it on Gideon" ava popped up "Ava hi! what can we do for you?" "Sara there is a problem, The grandparents of Ozzy Osbourne have been killed. which means..."" no Ozzy" fills Sara "and no black Sabbath" adds mick. "we will fix this ava. Oke new plan, two teams two missions." John and Sara give each other a look . "  ok so zari y/n John and Charlie will go to New York to find out what's going on there and the rest will go with me saving the grandparents of Ozzy Osbourne. oh and Zari & Y/N, hold a close eye on the troubled duo." "we will captain, "I said looking at John.    we made our way to the jump ship.  
------- skip to New York------
"so here's the plan Charlie and I will go down to investigate the blackouts. Meanwhile, I need you two to investigate the museum." Zari placed the jump ship on an abandoned rooftop and made our way down to the street. " stay on the coms" says zari before we split up. john and y/n walked to the museum.    " so you're stuck with me luv" John said while liting a cigarette. I smiled "I guess I am, but I don't mind tho " " why don't you mind  hanging out with me luv?" "where are a lot alike john," I say while I try to read his face. We looked into each other eye,  his eyes were shining bright.  I studied his face and smiled and before it became awkward I looked away.  " so John what's missing from the museum?" I ask while I Clear my thought. he took the last drag of his cigarette and stamped it out.  "so until now a van Gogh, a Rafael, and Rubens have been stolen from this gallery." John told me while trying to cross the Street. John jumped before a car and the car honked " oh bogger off will ya" John took my hand and pulled me across the street. " sorry luv, but I didn't want to wait an hour "I let out a small laugh   "  but back to the mission. why steal from the same museum, that's just asking to get caught" I whisper say quietly. Once we were inside I was an immediately investigating museum national treasure style "why would someone come back to again and again to steal paintings unless.." a tough crossed my mind and I stepped closer to the vertical painting. "unless what luv? " John asked as he stands behind me and places a hand on my waist. My belly turns when he does that and I  quickly hide my blushing face behind my lose hanging hair. "unless they never left" I say softly while nodding at the painting. the painting was the 1,30m by 0.5 m and slightly moved " I suspect that the thieves are still inside of the museum. " I tell John while I look up to him " the museum will close in 15 minutes, "  says the intercom lady. John quickly scanned the room.  " no time to explain " he mumbles as he grabs my hands. our fingers intertwine and he pulls me into a way to a small storage room. " john what...  " "so you said they are still here correct?" asked nervous John. " yes I did say that. What are you up to john" " so if they are still here, then they have a way to bypass the alarm, so there is only one thing that we can do and that's making the alarm go off while they commit the crime" " that is a brilliant idea handsome! but we are in a broom closet and they are there with the paintings. remember?" I say while shaking my head and my eye fell on a fire....... " I found a way  "  we looked at the box and then at each other with a smirk, still holding hands. we heard keys in the hallway and John pulled me against his body while we hide behind the door. my free hand landed on his chest and I looked him in the eyes. we let go of each other's hand. the keys came closer and to the door.  one of his hands was planted on my hip and the other covered my mouth. " shhh" he says softly pulling me closer as I roll my eyes.     the door fully opened and a guard stepped in.  the guard started to count all the products, he took a sip of his coffee and placed it on a shelf. I pressed my body against John and held my breath. the guard saw us and quickly placed him under a spell. the guard s eyes let up and he started exiting the storage room, once outside he locked the door behind him and walked away.  I looked up to john and he   placed his other hand on my waist, still holding me close. " that was close." I whispered trying not to laugh . "it sure was love " John whispered back. I placed my other hand on Johns' chest. " so what do we do now  " I said while softly laughing.  "I have an idea  ."  John said while throwing a smirk my way as he flipped his phone out. We distend ourselves from each other ."  what are you up to  Constantine? and who are you texting? " "I'm sending out an SOS to Gideon luv," I roll my eyes at John " For what do we need an SOS for? John please let me in on your complete plan and don't let me here standing in the dark" Once I ended my sentence the light went off. " Of course " " Well luv this is our 2 step plan. Step 1 the getaway. " He says while he waves his phone and puts it away into his pocket. "And step 2?" I ask wondering what was going on in his mind. We heard some people argumentation about the ways to remove the painting which means that we could trigger the alarm. John comes closer to me and pulls my body to him" Step 2 is stealing a kiss from you while we wait for our escape" He whispers as he locks our lips. His soft lips were pressed against mine and a small moan escaped my mouth. I kissed John back and he smiled.  My hands travel across John's body into his hair and a small grunt escapes his mouth. While of my hands opens the box on the wall and triggers the fire alarm. The sprinklers turned on and I bumped against the cleaning rack. John laughed at the situation and I just had to join. We looked into each other's eyes and it felt like time has stopped. Just us two in the middle of all the chaos. You could hear the thieves scream above the fire alarm. All of a sudden John pulled me back against his body and he pushed my hair behind my ears. He placed his hands on both sides of my face and kisses my lips softly. "Always wanted to do that," He says while smirking softly.                    

" let's go lovebirds" We heard a familiar voice say behind us. We quickly turn around and see Charlie standing there in the portal. John and I went through the portal to board the jump ship.  

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