Chapter One The Best Friendship

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Sofia POV
Me and Garren been friends since kindergarten so we never see each other as a couple we have Royal Parents so that makes us a Prince and a Princess we have eat with our elbows off the table pinkies out when we drink something I have to wear dresses and he has to wear suites. It was so boring doing the same thing everyday so then one day my parents and Garren 's sat on the couch together and looked so excited then they looked at me and Garren then we looked at each other awkwardly I said trying to break the silence"What going on" My Dad said"You and Garren are going to get married two weeks after Garren's Birthday" Me and Garren said" But we're just friends and we don't each other as a couple " Then my parents and his parents both said" You guys better get together very soon. " Then they left the room then we sat down on the couch upset Garren said"You can't force love on two teenagers" I said"I'm only 15 and your 16 I'm not ready for a marriage" He agreed with me and said"What are we going to do" I said"I don't know" I smiled and turned on the tv and put on our favorite show The Flash He smiled at me and then I smiled back. So we sat there all evening watching the whole season there were funny parts sad parts and confusion. I was so tired so I fell asleep.

Garren POV
I didn't understand why we had to get married two weeks after my birthday were just friends I don't see us as a couple I mean me and Sofia, Me and Sofia, I mean we never tried to be a couple because something we had experienced when we were younger we watched this movie together about these friends that became a couple they were a cute couple but they broke up and when they did they never saw each other again she found a guy and he found a girl but the worst part was that they didn't remember each other when they went to the same grocery store. So Me and Sofia never want are friendship to go away or never remembering each other. So that's why we never thought about back Sofia fell asleep on my arm I turn off the tv and i carried her to her room and went to mine thinking about why I never had feelings for Sofia. I never thought having sex with her, Kissing her, Sharing the same ice cream with her either. Then I fell asleep The next day I woke up and sneaked to Sofia's room and woke her up and then me and her sneaked out the castle but the guards blocked the doorway. Then one guard said"Where do you to think your going" Garren said"To make memories " The other guard" C'mon dude they're going to get married in a couple of Mon let them make memories " Then the other one said" Ok, fine" Then they both moved from the doorway I got in to my car and Sofia hoped on the passenger side we went to the mall to go change out of our royal outfits to look like real people then we went to the party that this boy told to come to. So we drove to the party as soon a we went to the Party this girl was glancing at me and said"Hi" I think she was trying to flirt with me but I wasn't here to have sex I was here to party like a normal person the parties at the castle were boring then Sofia sat by this guy that looked like she wasn't interested I think the guy was a little drunk so then he kissed her on her neck trying to give her a hickey she pushed he off her then he grabbed her fiercely and put her on the ground and then got on top of her. Then I felt then the same girl was trying to undo my pants i was fierce then she added more fuel to the fire I moved her out of my way I grabbed the man that was on top and punched him in the face he fainted the same girl came from the crowd and said"My Brother" she pushed me and started crying I said"Let's Go" Sofia's legs were shaking from the frightening issue that she experienced she started crying I carried her to the car then opened the door and then put her in the car then went on my side and then got in the car and drove off we went back to the castle Sofia got out of the car and ran to her parents crying. I said" There was this guy that was trying to rape her call the cops." Soon the cops came and then I told them what happened then they showed us a picture of them they asked if that was them I said yes then they told us that they were criminal the guy was a rapist 34 years and the girl was a prostitute 32 year old. Sofia and I started screaming I said" that girl was trying to have sex with me" Sofia said" And that guy was trying to rape me" They both said" He careful next time you step in a party look at you surroundings." Our parents said" What were you to thinking you guys could've got hurt were very disappointed in you two go to your rooms" We both ran to our room I went in mine and she went in hers I was trying to figure am I in love with her was I jealous or was just big brother mode. I just want to kiss her I think I'm in love with her I ran across from my room to hers I opened her room door and went in and closed the door I said hesitantly "Sofia I..I love you." She said" I love you too" she got up and kissed me I carried her to the bed and kissed her some more she moaned in my mouth I felt my pants bulging we touched tongues her tongue swirled in my mouth my tongue swirled in hers she moaned again I bit her ear and suck on the sting multiple moans came from her mouth she bit her lip as I suck on her neck leaving hickeys on her neck I took of her shirt hesitating she then turnt red I took off her bra and saw her tits fly free from her bra I sucked on one while massaging the other she started moaning really loud I whispered "shhh they might hear us" she said"I'm sorry I can't help it your giving me so much pleasure at one time" I said"trust me your giving me pleasure with your moans there so soft" she blushed" I couldn't stop thinking about you yesterday" I said"me either" I got up showed her my erection I was a little embarrassed I pull my boxers down a little then she saw how huge it was then she blushed then she said"Garren..I'm a virgin" I said"Me too" She said"So can we start slow" I said"Ok" Then Sofia's mom said"Sofia are you ok I heard moaning" Sofia said" Yeah Just hurt my toe and it really hurted." Sofia's Mom said"Ok I'll go to Garren's room" Sofia rushed out the room and distracted her mom while I rushed to my room and then closed the door quietly.

Sofia POV
My Mom said" is everything OK first your moaning and now your rushing me out of your room i know what's going on" I said" You do" my mom then said" You want a boyfriend" " Yesss I do" I said with confusion then she ran downstairs. I went back in my room and layed flat on my back on my bed.

Garren POV
My Mom came in my room to do laundry then she said" what's that" then she pointed at my pants then she saw that I had boner I looked embarrassed then she said"Are you ok" I said" Yeah Just woke up" she said"from a wet dream" I said" No, I haven't had one of those since I was 9 ." Then she said" You might need a girlfriend" I said" A girlfriend, yesss I need one." Then she ran downstairs.

Sofia POV
A boyfriend really a boyfriend but I'm in love with Garren then Garren came in my room and said" I have to have a girlfriend" I said" And I have to have a boyfriend" Me and Garren love each other I stopped the silence and said" Ok let's make a rules since were already in love no kissing no sex no flirting with them" he said"OK I got it" then my mom and his dad said"Sofia and Garren" We both raced downstairs then my dad said" Chill kids on at a time" Me and Garren look confused but we just gave in. My parents said" Sofia your first since your a girl, this is Hemi he's 16 he's a little bit older than you and love sports and is a big fan of basketball." Then Hemi said" Hi Sofia" I said" Hi" Then he said" ready to go" Then i said "Yes" then I winked at Garren then he giggled.

Garren POV
She winked at me and I had the audacity to giggle my foulish ass the my parents said"Now it's your turn this Ashley she's 15 one year younger than you she's into singing she also can draw pictures I interrupted and said" So can a baby" My mom punched me in arm i said" Oww, mom honesty" then she said"Don't listen to him your ready"
Ashley said"Yes ma'am" Then we left she got in the car then I got in the car.

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