Chapter Eighteen: Messy Hurr Don't Curr

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Hey there guys! I saw that this story has over 6,000 reads! Over 6 freaking thousand! So here is an update for you awesome smoshers! :) Enjoy! 


(Bethany's POV)

"HECK TO THE YES! MARRY ME!" I screamed at the sexiness sitting across from me. Ian Hecox asked me out! ME! This is the best freaking day of my freaking life. 

"Marry you? I think that's a little too soon, don't ya think?" he said. 

Psht. No. I think it's perfect timing. I shrugged in response to him. He laughed loudly. 

A nice warm breeze fluttered over my face from the open window behind me, blowing my hair a little bit. I tried to keep it from turning into a rats nest. 

The smell of all my food on my plate wafted into my nose, leaving a tingle. I hadn't realized I was so hungry until now. I picked up a biscuit and took a huge bite. My tastebuds thanked me happily. As did my stomach. 

Another breeze decided to mess my hair up once again. I sighed in frustration. 

"Let me help you," Ian chuckled. He took my hair and tried to sort it as it was before. My hair is like the mother of all monsters. It had a mind of its own, I swear. My bangs would always part in the middle and make me super angry. 

I giggled as I caught a glimpse of Ian's concentrated face, his tongue sticking out slightly. 

Mmm, that tongue. 

Oh my goodness. What is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about his tongue that way?

"You know, if you just give me a brush I can fix it," I suggested. 

"Well okay. Follow me." He got up from the table, causing our plates to shake a little. He led me down the hall way towards the bathroom and told me to wait there. I saw Kammy come out of Anthony's room, rubbing her eyes. She spotted me. 

"Oh fey Beffany! I'm sho frickin tired," she said, yawning.

"It's almost 11, you know."

She shrugged and her gaze traveled over me. "It's gonna bee hurd getting ushed to da way chu look now. Oh end yur hurr is mussed up."

I raised an eyebrow. Is she freaking drunk or something?

"Can you repeat that please?"

"Lemme go eat brukfest and den I will." She headed down the hallway toward the table with all the delicious breakfast, stretching as she went. I rolled my eyes.

I waited for a couple minutes for Ian to return with a brush. I looked on the wall and saw some pictures of Ian and Anthony. There was one of Ian and Anthony laughing together. They looked about 14 years old. I wondered what they were laughing about.

"Here we go!" Ian exclaimed and I jumped. "M'lady. Here is your brush." He handed it to me and we both laughed.

I glanced back at the picture. I'll have to ask him about it later.

Heading into the bathroom and facing the mirror made me gasp at my reflection. How could one tiny breeze cause so much mayhem? I started to get at work on untangling the nots. They started wrestling the brush. 

When they were all gone and my hair was back to normal we headed back to breakfast. Kammy and Anthony were already sitting at the table eating. Kammy was barely eating while Anthony was pretty much putting as much in his mouth as he could. 

My best friend looked up at us, looking more awake than before. 

"What I said before was, It's going to be hard getting used to the way you look now. And that your hair was messed up, but you took care of that," she laughed. 

"I thought you were drunk or something," I laughed with her. 

"Yeah, I sound like that sometimes."

"Oh my goodness, and guess what!" I almost screamed at her. She flinched, apparently not ready for my sudden outburst.


"Ian asked me out!" I started jumping up and down and squealing like a little girl. Her eyes widened and she soon joined me. Us both jumping and squealing as if we just found out there was a new Sims 3 expansion pack. 

"You are so freaking lucky you freaking..ugh!" Kammy screamed. 

"I know right!" I said, throwing my arms up in the air. 

(Ian's POV)

These girls are such fangirls. I sat down and resumed eating my breakfast. 

"So you asked her out, huh?" I heard Anthony say. 

"Yup." I glanced up at him to see him nod. 

"Do you really like her that way?" 

"Yeah. There's just something about her.. You know what I mean?" I had to say a little louder since Kammy and Bethany's squeals became even louder. 

"Totally. It's like that with Kammy." 

"Speaking of Kammy, do you really think she likes you?" I raised an eyebrow, my gaze landing on Anthony. His muscles tensed up and his jaw tightned. He shrugged. 

What is going on that he isn't telling me?

"What? What's wrong?" I asked him. 


He's such a bad liar. I'm going to get it out of him no matter what it takes. I turned to the still squealing girls. 

"How about a double date guys? Let's all go.. Hmm.. Well I'm not sure where we should go," I said. 

"Let's go see The Hunger Games!" The girls screamed. 

Oh gosh...


So there you have it! I hoped you enjoyed this! :) This is dedicated to all my readers!

Love you all!!!<3

~Kammy <3 :D

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