Dont know what title to put so :1

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Oh hey! Well from the look of this you came here to read my story so I should probably tell you about me. My name is (y/n) (l/n). One of my friends is Izuku Midoriya. I am always described as calm and cute but when I lose my temper lets just say that I am not so cute. I start cursing and shouting like SOMEONE*. but anyway lets go back to what I was saying I have really light brown hair that may look like blonde and really deep blue eyes (you know those deep husky eyes that are so beautiful yeah those) when I use my quirk though my eyes become a mix of orange and red. Just so I tell you my quirk is quite special. Generally my quirk can be described as fire or explosions, but it actually is a mix of both. You see I do control and create fire, but to create it my body creates these sorts of sparks which could turn into explosions if I know how to use them, and after those sparks I can control my fire. I also can control its heat bringing it up to the point that it can become white. The setbacks thought is that I could overheat and get a high fever and/or faint, but I've trained quite a lot.


It was a normal day when the teacher said that now we were going to go to hero schools. And then Bakugou started his speech how he was better then the others. In the moment the teacher said that me and izuku were going to go to UA. Katsuki got very angry with Izuku but not with me. He got Izuku out of his chair than started to shout at him. When he was about to hit him I went before Izuku and said: "STOP!" "Tch, get out of the way girly." "Well I am pretty sure you are mistaking me with someone cause I dare you to find a moment where I act girly Katsuki and just so I am pretty sure you know my name we have been childhood friends for a long time." He just tch-ed and went back to his sit.

Time skip at the end of the school day

Izuku was getting ready when Katsuki came and started bulling him. He was about to hit him when you again stopped him. You were about to lose your temper but you started breathing in and out and in the end you relaxed. When Katsuki came at the door he stopped and then said: " You know Deku if you really want a quirk that bad then why dont just take the chances and jump of a roof so you can get one in the afterlife!!" That's it, that triggered you. You went near Katsuki caught him by the collar, slamed him at the wall near the door and said with a very dangerous low tone: " You dare say anything like that again you motherfucker and i will put you 10 feet under this damn fucking ground got it." Your eyes were so red that it scared Katsuki's "friends" and Izuku in a way. You let go of Katsuki and went near Izuku got him by the hand and went away though the door. After that Izuku said that he wanted some time alone so you could go to your home alone.

Katsuki's POV

Katsuki to say the least was shocked. After that he grinned a little and thought that you actually looked pretty scary, strong and hot. He kinda liked the way you talked and looked. He turned around to see his friends and they were hugging and their face looked like thay both have see a ghost.

After Izuku talked to all migh at the roof and some moments before Katsuki hit the bottle with the villian in it.

The bottle fell. You were running and you were about to pass by an angry Katsuki. After like 1 metre of walking he kicked the bottle in that moment Katsuki and (y/n) stopped and saw behind them. A gigantic villian absorbed (y/n) first and said: " My, my look at what we have here a girl with an amaizing quirk, look and body." Katsuku screamed your name and looked at the villian with pure anger. Do you wanna know what the first thing that came to your mind was? Well it wasnt how to get out or to beat him it was......... The word........PERVERT!!😟 Yep thats you...😑
Aaand after that Katsuki got absorbed too.


After you were saved the heros started to tell you about your future and they were a little at your personal bubble if you know what I mean. Katsuki noticed this and put you behind his back and said to the heros to stop. After that he took you by the hand and started to take you home. After some minutes you started to tease Katsuki and he got angry but then an idea came to his mind. He put near the wall and put both of his hands on the sides of your head. He was grinning and he was really near you so you blushed like a madman and you just closed your eyes. You heard footsteps and then heard Izuku's voice saying: Sorry!!!. Katsuki was about to kill him when i just cought his clothes and didnt let him go. He just looked at me and i just mouthed "Don't". He just let it go and the turned to me and said: " C'mon I am walking you home." You just stared at him with wide eyes then laughed a little and jumped on his back screaming PIGGYBACK RIDE!! He just tched and started holding me so i wouldn't fall.

"I'll protect you no matter what!" Bakugou Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now