Letters to Louis Tomlinson| Letter #1

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Dear Louis:  

The most probable thing is that you don't even get to see this. This is a letter to... I sincerely don't know. I feel like I need to talk to somebody, and who if it isn't you? 

My life started out really well and... the thing is, with time things grew harder and harder. I was severely bullied, cyber-bullied, by some cool guys at school when I was on my seventh grade. On my eighth grade things kinda got better. But I had this tiny little problem. I took this cool guys and stereotyped them and logged people like them as 'mean'. You know... they were thin, had a lot of friends, went out every weekend, didn't have much 'problems', but, me? I'm fat, have only a few friends and am a creep that likes computer and not going out. Now... when I stereotyped them I felt really really really bad because I got to meet them and they weren't as mean as I had thought. But, this year, being a sophomore, the same kids bullied me again. They would insult me and grab my stuff... it was really hard, and I had dark times. I even used to have no friends and that was a problem, as it only increased the reasons to laugh at me or bully me. Last year I made some friends and this year hasn't been that tough when it comes to bullying, but I had a couple break downs.  

A couple of months ago, everything was turning excellent. I had just gotten over a friend I had lost because of something really stupid. Let's call her Helen. So... Helen kinda got mad at me -God only knows why- and I had a terrible fight with two out of my four friends left. Let's call this two Lexie and Martin. Lexie, Martin and I had a big great discussion and I fell really apart from them. Let's add one more character. She's gonna be called Tess. Tess and I had had 'something' when we were freshmen and I broke her. She has this heartbreaking story but... she can really take advantage of you. She just comes and tells you what's her life like and you fall for her and then she backstabbs you and before you know it, she's owning you like you were her dog... again. When Tess and I broke up, our gang went for two sides. It was 'mine' against 'hers' if we can say so. Lexie, Martin, Helen and I were on my side and the other girls were on her. The 'side' thing was really stupid, because the only ones that actually fought was us, Tess and I. I got to even 'bully' Tess but fell under her spell like seventytwo times. When Lexie and Martin 'left' me, I was really torn apart. Helen came and started hanging with them and stuff. I was alone and watching how 'my side' fell for 'her side'. Even Helen started hanging with them. I was really sad and couldn't find comfort. I tried not to... but I kept blaiming myself for everything. Well, one day I was on the edge... literally. I was hard crying. I was never a 'popular music' kind of guy. I like independant, indie and covers kind of music. But it was this one night when I thought my life was over. One of my greatest inspirations, Ellen Degeneres, was on vacation, so I couldn't watch any of her videos to make me smile. I watched a few, but I was helpless. I started looking at 'WMYB' and started looking at the channel. Then, it turned into you and it turned into me smiling while watching you. All of the pain was suddenly gone, out of my body. I felt no necessity to no longer live and I started having this crazy dream that I wanted to be with you. I started picturing my life if I ever got the chance to meet you. Now, Helen is back in my life. Martin and Lexie are here as well. It all turned out to be a big fat missunderstood. The only one missing is Tess, but I really don't care, because the only thing she causes besides trouble is me feeling sick because of her attitudes. I can be really mean, but obviously I try not to.  

Anyways, this letter is to you, Louis William Tomlinson, to thank you for saving and changing my life. I seriously never thought you would be the one that saved me from what I was, considering I stereotyped guys like you. Now I'm feeling perfectly fine because I know that, if I'm ever down again, you are always the one that puts a smile on my face. Being sassy as you are makes who I am today and I will be forever greatful for your indirect way to teach me things and for keeping me positive in life. Even if it sounds stupid, it's the way I feel.  

I will forever love you and your flawlessness, 

until always, 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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