A Mother's Day Gift Part 1

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Infinite and his son, Toxic, were getting ready to leave the house.

"You ready son?" Infinite asked.

"You bet dad!"

"What's going on you two?" Y/N asked.

"Just a little father/son day out." Infinite said.

"Yeah!" Toxic said.

"Oh ok. I'll see you boys later."

"Bye Babe."

"Bye mom!"

"Bye you two." Infinite and his son left the house. They spent hours trying to find the perfect gift until they finally spotted one. They paid for the item and went back home. When they arrived, Toxic gave you a gift.

"For me?" Y/N asked.

"Yes mommy. Open it up!" You smiled and opened it and saw a beautiful necklace inside. On the necklace it said, 'Happy Mother's Day!' You looked at your husband and son as they smiled at you.

"Happy Mother's Day!" You had tears in your eyes as you hugged them gently.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." You put on your new necklace and loved it with all of your heart. You hugged your family once again as they all smiled. You and Infinite kissed each other gently.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Sorry that it was short, I was trying to finish it quickly. I still hope you enjoyed it. Happy Mother's Day!

I'll change the book cover later.

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