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"You will never become a hero without a quirk! You will stay as the useless deku you always are!"

"Kachan! Stop can't you see you're hurting him?"

Kachan's words rung through my head as I woke up today, tears streaming down my face.  *sigh* I got to go back to school. 

I got dressed and looked down on the floor as I walked into the classroom. 

"Today class, we will be talking about your careers, what you want to be in the future"

Time Skip kuz I am lazy

"Hey deku, don't you even think about going to UA, I'm warning you or there will be consequences" - Bakugo

"Hahh, the useless deku what makes you think you can go to UA?" -goon one

"well, I was thinki-"


"What's this? hero analysis for the future, what a joke give me that!" Bakugo said as he put his flaming red hand on Izuku.

"If you want to be a hero so badly, why don't you take a swan dive off the roof?"

Time Skip (again)

Izuku layed down on the floor, beaten up by bakugo and his goons again. They don't know how to hold back scarring him permanently at times. 

As he lay on the floor Izuku felt anger surge up from him, "How dare Bakugo call himself a hero he is way more of a villain than a hero..." Then broke into tears " I can't take it why is the world so cruel.... every day the beat and scar me up yet the teacher overlooks it him because he has so-called "potential" to be a hero. 

"sorry mom... but I can't take it anymore" 

The world seemed to lose color as Izuku dragged himself to the roof of the school. He stared down at the world and the grey world didn't seem to care.

"you have no idea what your words and action can bring kachan... "

Izuku took a step off the edge of the school

"I'm sorry mom... I'm done with this world," Izuku thought as his mind went blank.

As he was about to hit the ground a purple portal opened underneath him.

TBC sorry if anyone reads ill make a longer chapter

Past the grey line - a villain deku fanficWhere stories live. Discover now