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Jiyongs POV

"Are you done yet?" the women with a brown bun said with a annoyed look

"Just give me a minute" I said. I wonder what her problem was.

I was signing up to be a model for a new company. Everything was falling in to place all I had to do was fill out a couple forms then I would have my dream. I was filling it out with ease until I hit a question I was confused with.

What is your sexuality?

o.Boys0.GIrls 0.Both

Why would they ask that? Am I going be sleeping with people. Fuck I will just say girls It’s not like it was needed. I got up from the leather couch that stuck to my sweaty arms. I hovered over the desk that was covered with paperwork and a mug of coffee.

"Do I give this to you?" I said waving the paper in her face.

"Yes" she said looking at me like the stupidest person she has met.

"Someone needs to get her panties out of her ass" I said as I gave her my best smirk.

I saw her looking at my revealing chest; I smirked at her knowing what she was thinking.

"How about I get your phone number" I said giving her a closed mouth grin.

"Umm-I don't umm think" she said while stuttering non-stop.

"Just give me your phone number and I won't disappoint you" I said looking at her like I was the innocent boy.

"I guess I could give you a chance" She said looking everywhere besides my eyes.

She gave me her phone; I smirked at the women’s redness. I wrote down her phone number on a little piece of paper and handed her phone back.

"Thank you, mam" I said walking in to the president’s office.

"Hello I did everything you asked" I said resuming being completely Serious.

I saw him look his head up in joy with a smile.

"Great! I knew everything would work for a cunning boy like you" He said with excitement in his voice.

"Yes sir what will I do now?" I was hoping a modeling shoot or a press conference or DINNER.

"While I have something I want you to do" He said with a hint of evil in it.

"What is it" I asked concerned

"I have these four beautiful male and talented models and..."

"And....." I asked worried about these men.

"To stay with them for a while" He said like it was the happiest thing for me.

"What! Like what do you mean?" I said confused and annoyed.

"Like live with them, eat with them, talk to them and learn after them “He said with a grin.

"For how long?" I said fearful of his answer.

"Oh you know just about the first five years of your career" He said like it was only five minutes of my time.

"But why can't I live alone?" I said now feeling like punching my boss.

"I want you to learn from them, they were successful and I want you to be to" He said with a caring voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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