Chapter one

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I'm Lexie Alane Cortez. When I was 8, I was so fangirling. Do you want to know him? well, he is Shon Andrey Tayler. He is so charming, nice looking, handsome boy, smart, a singer. He's my bestfriend since grade 3, but he didn't know I had a secret crush on him. how lucky I am to be his bestfriend. Now I'm 15 years old, and were still bestfriends and classmates. One day he joined in a tv show, and it was the voice kids.

"Hey Lexie! wanna join the voice kids, cuz I'll be joining?" Shon asked me.

"no need! you know that I'm shy, whenever I joined some contest right?" I answered.

"I know that! you just need to show your talent to everyone. You have a nice voice. And I want you to show them, what you can really do." he explain and he smiles.

"yah! I know that shon. I.... I just.... I just don't want to join." I was so sad to say.

"okay fine, i wont forced you to do, something you dont like to do" he said and smiles at me

And I was so happy, about what he said. So I've tried to log in in YouCube and I sing a song, and upload it, so anyone can see it. And Shon start auditioning in the voice kids.

2 days passed. my video on YouCube became viral. And I was so happy about that. I got 5k viewers. And shon told me that, he passed the the audition.

"hey lexie! I passed the audition!" he said.

"wow! nice for you, shon" I replied.

" And I heard, that your video on YouCube, became viral.." he said, smiling at me.

"oh... yeah! And I got a message. it says that I'm invited in a tv show, called New Artist!" I tell him so excitedly.

"wow! I told you, you really had a nice voice, you just dont beleive in me" he told me.

"yah, yah fine, now that I learned my lesson. hahaha..."I said.

"hahaha... yah! I can't stop laughing hahaha..."he said and he can't stop laughing...

When the night comes. I asked myself.

"what if, I dont sing well?"

"what if, I don't shown up?"

"what if, shon was not there?"

"what if, I got embarrassed? "

"how can I have some confidence?"

"what if...."

I became negative in that day. I'm just thinking about Shon, his my inspiration. so I'll be possitive, to achive my dreams...

when the morning comes. I pray.

"Lord God Almighty, please help me for today. I dont want to be embarrassed by many people. Lord God, give me strength and confident. Help me to face many people. And thank you for all that you gave to me and to my family, help the others. give them also confidence to face many people. It can be in school or any programs. Sorry for not obeying your rules, sorry if I'm doing bad things. that's all Lord God.  Amen."

I was so nervous that day. And I'll do my best, just not to look weird to everyone. Then my mom said Shon was down stairs.

"honey! your friend, was here." mom said.

"who?" I really dont know who.

"Shon, your secret crush!" mom said so loud.

"mom! be quiet, he didn't know that I like him. mom dont said anything to him. okay? pls." I hate my mom.

"sure honey! you just need to hurry up. yourgoing to be late in the tv. show" mom said.

"okay mom! tell him just wait for a sec." I said.

"okay!" she said.

Then, I do hate my mom. She just shouted my secret Crush. Well, it doesn't matter anymore. so after that, I go to my closet, and get something to wear. As I go down, I saw shon looking at me, it looks like his eyes was sparkling. Then I smiled at him, and I asked him, if my look was fine.

"hey shon, what do you think?" I was actually fangirling in that momment, and I spin arround.

"yah! you look gorgeous in that dress!" he said smiling at me. And looking at my eye directly.

"okay! so, can we go now?" I said while im continuously fangirling on him.

"uhmmm......... yah! yah!" he said looking me directly into my eye.

"are you okay?" I said. I'm just concerned.

"yah! lets go!" he took my hand, and sway it like a real relationship.

".........................." I don't know what to say.

"shon! take care of my daughter, okay?" mom said.

"yes! Elane, I will take care of your daughter." he respectfully said.

"mom! I can take care of my self, I'm too old enough!" I said to my mom. and I hate her.

"don't worry, Lexie, I won't do bad to you :)" he smiles so cute to me.

So I just fangirling. It's my first time to hold his hand. and were like in a relationship. So were in the studio, we'll just need to wait for 25 mins. i talk to shon.

"shon, do you think I can do it?" I asked.

"of course you do!" he said.

"okay thank you, for that possitive thought. I love you" I said. but I dont know why did I say that.

"wait, what did you said again?" he said.

"what do you mean? uhhh... thank you for the possitive thought." I said, and I mean it.

"no! the other one y......" he said. I cut his words, because, I do really need to go. but I do mean my words.

"oh... I'm really sorry, cuz I do really need to go. k bye!" I said . fangirling again.

"uh.. okay. goodluck!" he said and smiles at me.

Then, as I go to the backstage 3 mins. left and I'll be shown on tv.

that's all for my first chapter. Now wait for my second chapter. she will finally shown on tv.

thank you.

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