A Pomeranian And A Pitbull

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Nora followed the other girls into the party, unsure if she was really in the mood for this tonight.

For a rare moment, she thought about getting herself a drink.

Part of her had wanted to stay home and avoid him.

She didn't really know why, it's not like there was anything between them. But it had hurt to watch him with Ines, and it'd inevitably hurt when he hooked up with someone new. Possibly tonight.

She'd been so stupid. For a second, just a second, she'd thought maybe he was changing. Maybe he wasn't the fuckboy she'd originally thought him to be.

But no, he hadn't changed. And he probably never would. He'd have flings, sure, but he'd still dump them and post a picture with another random girl soon after. That's just the way it was.

He was just a flirt. He probably told girls they were beautiful all the time. It was probably nothing to him, just a word to throw around in order to get in a girls' pants.

She'd thought about that moment for an embarrassing amount of time afterwards.

Eva laughed loudly in front of Nora, pulling her out of her own head and into reality. She was standing behind the girls as they poured their drinks, and her eyes lingered on the rum that Eva was pouring into a cup.

No, she wasn't going to do that. She wasn't going to waste a night, lose her memories, over some boy.

"Here." Nora looked up at the sound of Amira's voice. In her outstretched hand she was holding a cup of lemonade out for Nora.

"Thanks" Nora said as she took it.

"You alright?"

Nora nodded, taking a sip of her drink. "Yeah, just in a weird mood. It'll pass."

Amira gave her an appraising look, but let it go.

The girls left the kitchen, claiming the couch in the far corner of the living room, piling onto it even though it was absolutely not designed to hold five people.

Viri leant over across Nora to speak to Cris. "Have you spoken to Joana yet?"

Cris nodded. "Yeah, I asked her if we could meet tomorrow."

Viri leant back to her former position next to Nora, grinning. "Good."

Nora looked over at Viri, a warm feeling in her chest. She'd had her doubts about her at times, but Viri really was a good person.

She would've been so hurt if something had happened between Nora and Alejandro. Nora had known that, but for a brief second she'd considered ignoring that.

Nora was a terrible person, that she was sure of. She wasn't doing anything right lately.

Nora looked down at the cup in her hands, running her finger along the rim.

"Eva, Cristian's here" Viri dragged out the last word, grinning.

Nora's head snapped up, looking over at the group of boys walking into the room.

Yeah, that had been a stupid fantasy. Eva and Cristian, Nora and Alejandro. She couldn't believe she'd let herself be that stupid even for a second.

She didn't even know if Cristian was the better guy for Eva. Jorge was probably the better option, probably the one a good friend would be pushing Eva towards.

There he was. The stupid, tall Pomeranian with his stupid hair and stupid face.

The weight of the four girls on either side of her was suddenly suffocating. She needed some space. She clambered off of the couch, announcing that she was getting herself another lemonade.

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