The Prideful Sloth

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A small peacefully village sat in the middle of green near a forest. People there lived their lives nicely. It was calm and peaceful... but that calm peace was quickly replaced with suspicion and fear. Suddenly with a burst of wind, an odd blue orb suddenly appeared in a dark corner of the village, suprising the villagers. Then out of the light and wind an odd old man wheeling around a baby carriage. Surrounding the two of them and the village was a mass of mist.

Male villager: "Hmm. Looks like trouble."

Female villager: "Since the chaos there's been nothing but trouble. The world's gone mad. Blasted Ogrest."

The old man continued walking through the village, ignoring the people who stared at him. The old man reached a bridge, where an oddly tall man wearing a large coat.

?Tall man?: "Hey~ old man. What's in the baby carriage?"

The old man ignored the tall man and kept on walking.

?Tall Man?: "Why don't we take a closer look!"

The tall man then threw off his Coat, revealing three small gremlin people with small pickax like weapons. Suddenly a mass of mist surrounded the old man, blinding the gremlins. Then one by one, they were thrown out of the mist, defeated. The mist then cleared revealing a new character with a robotic voice.

???: "Bravo. Truly impressive. It didn't take you long to get rid of my Grambos. Appearances can be deceiving~."

The old man growled before beginning to walk away

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The old man growled before beginning to walk away. But in a flash of blue light, the robotic man appeared infront of the old man.

 But in a flash of blue light, the robotic man appeared infront of the old man

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???: "Take me for example. In spite of my size, I have an insatiable appetite. And I have to devour the Wakfu in everything I encounter. Ahh, my trackers have just discovered an incredibly powerful source of Wakfu, enough to satisfy my hunger for all eternity! But enough small talk."

The man then teleported behind the old man.

???: "It's time you tell me where you get your incredible power, and, what you're hiding in the baby carriage."

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