Prologue (1/?)

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The sun goddess, finally frustrated with the moon god's presence, finally chases him from the sky. The first rays of morning touch the eyes of many other gods and goddesses, rising some from their slumber and making others fall deeper into it. During these early hours, few are awake. Piercing ice-blue eyes flutter open, still dazed from their slumber...


"Good morning!" Skye greeted, waving to Fern, the god of hard workers. The burly man could pull a plow behind him easily, without the help of other farmers or large animals.

"Hey there." He said happily. He seldom felt anything but duty, warmth, and the satisfaction at a job well done.

Gods had a complex version of the emotions you or I would have. Depending on the trait they inherited at birth, they could feel any couple parts of the spectrum of emotion. Skye felt strong loyalty, love, and had a strong sense of what is right. However, those feelings can be easily corrupted. Justice goes two ways, after all.

"Visitin' the girlfriend, lass?" He said teasingly.

"Now now, she's not my girlfriend yet!" Skye chuckled. A new light entered her eyes just thinking about the female she was courting. "I have a wonderful plan, though. Shhh!" She shushed him playfully. "Don't tell!"

"Wouldn't dream of it, lass. Do tell me how it goes, yeah?" He said.

"I'm sure it'll go swimmingly." She said. Confidence was her strongest suit, but anyone who knew her well could see the anxiety in her eyes. "I'll be seeing you!"

After a brisk wave, Fern returned to his work, powerful muscles rippling under his skin. Skye continued on her way.

She had a lady to woo, after all. Couldn't keep her waiting.

~Part One of the Prologue~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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