My first love

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This is it. This were it's at. Waiting. Anticipating. Hating every second. Holy shit. I just realized that I'm so in love with you. Hahaha I thought I could move on.

Idk if I should write notes with you. One day later and I'm burning up inside wishing to tell you every single thing ever. But hey. I shaved my chest hair and my armpits. But mistake. It feels so uncomfortable. Don't you ever shave your pits. It's not worth it

I find myself wanting to stay in and watch movie with you. Come over some time. I'll make some cheese dip.

When we live together we need to decorate our place with cute couple shit. I just saw an outdoor frog thing where these two frogs were kissing and I was like yesss, that's what I need for when sienna and I live together. She'd live it

She moved on
You're still stuck
Does she really just
Is she really just
Am I really just

The fool behind the curtains
Smiling like a joker
But I can't really sing to say what I feel
I'm about to mess this up

Sometimes I want you to feel like shit
Just to make you know how I feel
Let's see if you're the fit
Let's level this playing field

Where's the melody to match what I'm thinking? Where's my lover when I need her? I guess it's the part of growing up. Being mature, letting em go. Let them find happiness without you despite them being the Leonardo to your whole movie show. Let's grab a drink. Let me hold your hand. Why must you run off when we're just getting close again? No woman do I think of more. Is it rage inside me to know that you aren't by my side? When should I text you? When should I make my move? It's going to be like a fresh start when I see your eyes. Like the sunrise on a new day great day. Sadly it's the sunset rn. Sorry to say but the days coming to and end. It's night time. Lonely time. Guess I've gotta use this distance between us to my advantage. Waiting, just dancing but knowing I'm not dancing with the right one. Sunrise must come again and I'll be there for it waiting on the rooftops, feet hanging off the buildings smiling like a dope. I'll be the first one to set my eyes upon and to claim it as my own. That day will be a long one full of lovely times and MUSIC. Long walks on the beach with the sun. Too much to do. How could I ever let that day end? Sunset will come when I'm old and they sun is dreary. It won't be an ugly sunset like before. This one will lead into a new dark filled with stars and the moon to light my way into my lovers arms. (I swear I'm not high rn). I'll walk across the sea and pick her up in my arms, dancing slowly to the symphony of the water and the life below. Moonlight fills her hair. Right now she's a lunar goddess with endless powers. She captures me with her magical eyes and wicked smile. This goddess has me forever. The sun will come again and again, raising hope for better and better days followed by more moon dancing. I'm flying. Come fly with me.

Sunset eyes and good times with you

Lovely voice you have (le vie en rose)
You're my baby girl forever baby girl
I don't want you to leave
Remember bashas with Nancy and we played with toy guns. You were still dating foster. I was falling in love with you during that time.
You're the love of my life
Most beautiful girl I've ever seen
Everything imaginable.
Mama Mia
Oh my gosh
You're amazing
Don't take away your piece of your heart from me
You're the best thing ever
I can't think of anymore inside jokes or good memories
Spanish class
Walmart trips
"Math tutoring"
You're my everything, my everything ever
My heart and soul
Oooo damn I can't wait to have you again
Sorry I had problems
I'll fix em or whatevs
Hopefully you can be happy
My baby girl
I need you
I want you
You love me
I love you
Let's make ten babies
Adopt five more (white babies)
Let's live in Greece
Idk what we'll do in Greece but we need to make time to make a difference. You're my ducking angel
You're seriously my angel
No joke I was going to commit if you hadn't said what you said. Sooo yeah. Then everything else you did, talking to people, it saved me. I'm happy. Thank you
I want you to know everything that's going on in my life
I want to know about your life
I want to grow with you even if it kills me or kills you. Fuck you. Suffer with me.
Greece Greece
There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I'm anakin. I'll create an evil empire and kill my mentors just to be with you
My final note, except I have to write you a written note

Bye bye babe. Love you

Won't you come see about me

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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