Just to study

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*Bakugo's view*

Where is that damn nerd. *looks at phone in messages*

(Baku: Hey nerd meet me in the library to study)

(Nerd: Uhm, sure. What time?)

(Baku: Around 6, be there or I'll blow your face off)

(Nerd: Okay, I'll be there! )

Ugh, it's 6:45 and he's still not here!

*Izuku's view*

*wakes up from nap and looks at phone*
Oh god! I'm late, bakugo's going to be pissed!
*throws on clothes and sprints to library*

*Both* (first is deku, then bakugo)

Hey Kacchan, sorry I'm late.
Yeah! You should be sorry, what were you doing!
I was taking a nap and slept in.
*sigh* Whatever, just help me study... or else this was a waste of time.
( Both get math books and deku starts to describe the math)
Okay, you have to multiply this by this then divide all the numbers. Get it?
No, Can you slow down nerd!
Kacchan, thus is really easy. Just multiply first... here, you try.
*gives pencil to bakugo*
Okay, so like this? That has to be right!
No bakugo, you got it wrong... this is a waste. I'm tired, I'm going back to my dorm.
*gets up and starts walking out of library*

*bakugo runs after him and grabs for his shirt but aims a bit high and grabs a chunk of hair and yanks*

K-kacchan! *deku moans*

*Bakugos face turns bright red*
Did you just moan?
N-no! Bye kacchan!

*Bakugo grabs izukus waist and pulls him close. He takes a chunk of the nerds hair and pulls*

A-ah!*deku moans louder*
God you nerd, I want you now.

////// Okay, this is my first story thingy. It's really bad, I just want to know if I should make more or just stop here lol. Sorry you had to read this trash/////

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