Item #: SCP-1461
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Site-6 has been constructed around SCP-1461. Task Force Lambda-30 ("Whiskey Tango Foxtrot") is on permanent assignment to reinforce Site-6 security. Any unusual activity from SCP-1461 is to be reported to on-site Level 4 supervisors, who will implement A4-7 Daybreak procedures at their discretion (see Site-6 standard procedures guide). Any operatives entering SCP-1461 should be fitted with full NBCA (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Anomalous) protection and armed escorts. SCP-1461 is considered a high-priority target for the organization known as the Church of the Broken God, who have made ██ attempts to breach Site-6 and access SCP-1461 since 19██.
Description: SCP-1461 is an English manor (circa 1890) with attached sub-levels. It came to the Foundation's attention on November 1941, when the dwelling and its sub-level facilities vanished, then rematerialized after an eleven day period of absence. The surface portion of SCP-1461 is a two-level dwelling with twelve bedrooms, four baths, three studies, a main foyer/ballroom, a library, a kitchen, and a pantry-basement. Most of these rooms were converted into simple barracks prior to Foundation acquisition and are believed to have been dwellings for the cult. Site-6 Staff have reinforced the structure and use the available space to house monitoring rooms and security forces. No anomalous activity has ever originated from the manor itself.
The sub-level facilities are accessible through the manor's basement. The layout and size of the sub-level facilities have yet to be accurately measured, due to the anomalous qualities of the facility and hostile entities within. The facility is constructed primarily from concrete, iron, and brass; but also a number of exotic and/or unknown materials. The layout of the facility follows illogical routes and architecture: for example, doorways open into solid walls or open chasms, stairwells ascend into empty space, etc. Extensive damage is apparent throughout the facility. Certain sections have caved in and are filled with an unidentified grey sandstone that exists nowhere on the Foundation's expanded periodic table of elements. The facilities also contain a wide array of anomalous artifacts both active and neutralized (see Inventory Document I-1461-Current). It is unknown whether the facility's erratic layout and artifacts were present prior to SCP-1461's disappearance, or if they were introduced during said absence.
The sub-level facilities are extremely hazardous, with an extensive array of moving mechanical apparatuses, gear works, pistons, steam-pipes and coolant tubes that lack appropriate safety measures. The machinery is maintained by strategic placement of nozzles that dispense a black, mucus-like substance which is highly corrosive to organic materials, but also serves as a coolant and lubricant. Some sections appear to be emitting strong gamma and X-ray radiation, registering 75 counts per second at their highest recorded reading. The source of this radiation is unknown as none of the machinery appears to be constructed with or houses radioactive components.
SCP Foundation Manuscript
Ficção CientíficaThe SCP (Secure. Contain. Protect.) Foundation Manuscript brings all discovered SCP findings from the laboratory to the internet for public use. Classified information is to be censored by the manuscript with the request of the foundation. THIS MANU...