My Mistakes Made Me Stronger

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The warmth of his lips just felt so good . But why ? Why do I love the boy that changed me ? I have no reason to love him .... well I do .

His smile , laugh , whenever he kisses me , late night texts , just EVERYTHING. I love him all for that . But it was me who was influenced by him . Maybe change is a good thing .

Maybe I just want to change and I want to get older and realize I HAVE to get real . I can't be the old me ... yet I want to . It's not going to work though . I can't just be the old personality I was . It's Wednesday. The day after the party . The day I realize ME .

I pull closer to Noah and take in his scent . He smells like strawberries and hell . Our lips continue to move and I just want him even more . The feeling is so strong . My mistakes have made me stronger .

I tilt my head a little and whisper

" I'm sorry Noah . I love you so much , I was just so infuriated by myself . I realize I have to grow up sometime " .

He smiles and laughs .

" Baby I know . I'm sorry for pushing you a little too far . I love you more than anyone , and I don't want to ever let you go " .

We both smile and I suddenly say

" Let's just walk to your place . I want some time just to ourselves " .

On the way there , we saw a couple near the park Noah lives close to . They were smiling and laughing , and the boy picks her up and they fall but don't get hurt . That's what I want for ours . To achieve the goal of what the couple has .

Noah opens the door slowly and makes sure his parents aren't home . They usually stay at work really late , till at least two , so I think we would be fine for now . We check everywhere in the house - no parents .

" So , do you really love me ? " , I blurt out . I didn't know what else to say .

" Kate , I do love you . I love you more than anyone . More than my friends , more than late nights , more than texting , ok ? EVERYTHING . You mean so much to me that it's not even a joke " .

A tear slid down my cheek . He noticed , so he came close and held his hands to my face .

" I will never let you go " .

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