déjà you

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Forty-three minutes. That's how long I have been waiting for this guy Helena had set me up with.

I've always told her that if it's meant to be, it will come without me having to ask for it.

"That's bullshit, Kat. You aren't going anywhere with that kind of mindset," my best friend, Helena, never fails to taunt me with these words.

And so maybe I got tired of hearing that from her and realized she's right, which is why I'm here tonight waiting for some guy I barely know in this restaurant.

"Ma'am, are you sure you don't want anything yet?" the waitress, whose name tag says Gina, asked me for the third time. Concern was written all over her face. She had offered me water the second time she approached me and I was so thankful I had something to busy myself with besides constantly checking my phone for notifications.

I politely shook my head. "No, thank you."

I glanced at the door for a moment, silently wishing I won't be stood up although at the same time fully aware that everybody around here knows that's what's bound to happen. And it sure is happening.

I sighed, trying to put up a straight face. I hated the apologetic looks I was getting. I know what they're thinking and I don't like that they're sorry for me.

So in an attempt to look strong and unfazed, I pulled out my lipstick and tried to distract myself by retouching my already so polished and spotless makeup.

I felt worse as every minute passes. I looked at the clock and it's close to eight. I was on my third bottle of water which was almost empty and the feeling of embarrassment was starting to kick in.

Whoever this Gary guy is better come up with a good reason why he's an hour late. And he better be cute.

I fidgeted, growing seriously mad and impatient as I tried to contact Helena who rarely answers her phone. I called her over and over again before giving up on my fifth try.

It's probably best for me to leave. I'm going to curse her and give her hell the next time I see her for choosing an asshole to be my date. She owes me my pride and dignity.

Honestly though, I don't really take this to heart. Maybe it's just another sign that it's not meant to be. I shrugged it off and fixed my dress.

As I was about to get up, some guy out of thin air leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry babe, the traffic was crazy," he said loudly for everyone to hear.

To say that I was shocked was an understatement. This stranger stood before me, dressed smartly in a suit that I thought fit him well, the collar of his white undershirt popped slightly.

"Just go with it, yeah?" he whispered, then winked puckishly.

I caught the people around us heave a sigh of relief on my behalf.

But who the heck is this guy and why is he doing this?

For some reason, I sat back down and watched him take the seat across from me. His stance and aura screamed confidence.

"You must be mistaken," I said, studying him carefully.

I was so confused. Why did he have to act like he was my boyfriend or something?

Looking amused, he pushed his hair up and smiled at me gently.

"You really don't remember me?" he asked as he motioned for the waitress to come take our order.

I laughed a little in shock. "Am I supposed to?"

I swear thousands of ideas were entering my mind. Is this all part of Helena's plan? Is he a human trafficker, a murderer — a cute one may I add? Am I being tricked?

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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