Make Texting Great Again

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Hi, I'm Stephen, and if you know me, then you'll know that I love texting with all of my friends.

Sadly, I've started to realise that our conversations are going extinct, because they keep dying. It's the same with our replies.

People keep dead replying and killing all of those poor replies. So I, Stephen, the Texting Master, is here to help YOU save our conversations.

See, making sure that our replies stay alive is very important, because everyday, conversations are getting closer to extinction.

Despite this, I see a future where our conversations thrive, and we together save them, but how do we save our replies?

Well my dear friend, the first step into saving our conversations is like so.

If you have a friend who is constantly giving you dead replies, it's most likely going to hurt your back, because you keep carrying it. So, I suggest that you get a counter for each of your friends dead replies.

For example, if your friend says, "Cool" and you're on a social media that has gifs, then just spam them with gifs saying, "Cool".

In theory, they'll get annoyed and never use it ever again. Although, if you don't have gifs, then maybe just spam the word they use.

But how do we stop people from ignoring you? Well, this one is a little bit more tricky, since, if someone ignores you, there isn't much that you can do, except sit and be sad.

HOWEVER, I The Texting Master will help you overcome this problem, because you see, if people ignore you, then all you must do is spam them, until they get annoyed and reply (my old friend Abby's idea, by the way).

HOWEVER, if you are the person who ignores people, and gives dead replies, then I only have one word for you, "STOP!"

You are making our conversations go extinct, and you do really want all of those deaths on your hands?

Soon, texting in general will be dead and we will have NO MORE social media's, and let's be honest here, a life without social media, is no life at all.

Now, some people do have excuses for ignoring people, and giving dead replies, and I say that if you are busy, and cannot reply to someone, then please do not read their messages until you are able to reply. Late replies are better than no reply at all.

Now, you may be thinking, "Stephen, how will spamming people help save the texting race?"

Well my friend, you see, if you annoy someone every single time that they give you a dead reply, or ignore you, then in theory they shall stop killing your conversations, and soon you and your buddies will be having full conversations with laughter, happiness and even fun.

So next time you think of giving someone a dead reply, or ignoring someone, just think to yourself, "Do I want to be the cause of the texting extinction?" And, "Do I want to keep hurting my friends backs, with making them carry the conversation?"

Soon you will realise how wrong it is to kill conversations.

Thank you for reading, I have been your host, Stephen the Texting Master, and I'm texting well and peacing out.

The Importance of Saving Our Conversations Where stories live. Discover now