1 - The Scars That Haunt Us

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Hello, hello, hello!!

Welcome back to the world of "Helga Hufflepuff!" I've been going back and forth on whether or not to start posting this, because it'll probably be a long time until it's done. But I figured I'd go ahead and get the hype started. So without further ado... enjoy chapter 1!


"I've waited way to long to talk to you, Salazar." I said, feeling a burst of confidence and stepping even closer. He closed his eyes for a moment. "Relax." I breathed, studying his face. He took a deep breathe and when he opened his eyes they were much gentler.

We simply studied each other for a few moments. You would think it would be strange, or awkward, but it didn't feel that way. I could see longing in his eyes, and I knew he could see them in mine.

I didn't plan on waiting any longer for anything. If recent events had taught me anything it's to never take the time with the people you love for granted. He exhaled, something similar to a gasp but far more subtle. I tried to read the look on his face but it there's one thing Salazar is good at, it's hiding his emotions. "We have to go to Rowena, we can talk after." I knew he could sense my disappointment because a second later he added, "Promise."

We continued walking through the castle to the staff room. As we walked a familiar feeling rose in my chest, a beautiful, blissful feeling. And then, as if it was natural, as if he was feeling the same blissful feeling, our hands reached for each other, guided by our hearts, by our emotions, and intertwined.


Two years after the events of the first book

"Okay, so we have Aither... which I still think sounds ridiculous..."

Rowena rolls her eyes, her features lit up by a playful smile. "You've said that about every name, Godric." I laugh, crossing my legs on the picnic blanket that's stretched over the hill. Godric takes the hand that's resting on her pregnant belly and stares deep into her eyes as if to impart some very important wisdom upon her. "My love, I'm not going to name our child something that the teachers will have to pause before reading out, it's just mean." Salazar scoffs. "Tell me about it." I laugh.

We're sitting on a hill just outside of my hometown where the four of us are having a picnic lunch under the sunny, clear sky.

Rowena looks at me for backup. I sit back in consideration. "It's definitely unique, but it just depends on what matters to you, having an easy name to pronounce, or one that's easy to say, but not unique or thought provoking."

Rowena smiles proudly. "See, unique and though-provoking. That's what I was going for." Godric lets go of her hand and reaches for an apple. "Well his or her name doesn't have to be Aither to be unique and thought provoking."

Rowen gives me a look like, he'll never understand us.

I smile and look over at Salazar. His black hair is cropped short and blowing in the breeze. I notice that his color is so much better today, he looks like he actually got some sleep last night.

The past few months he's been struggling with insomnia. Which at first scared me, waking up in the middle of the night to find him gone wandering the castle or writing at the desk. Part of me was worried... not that I didn't trust that he'd overcome all his issues like he said, but because someone else with certain seer and legilimence abilities could be reaching out to him.

I hadn't seen or even heard about Augustus Moore in two years. Over that time the wounds he inflicted on us as a family had faded, but we all have scars, some physical, some emotional.

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