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I hear the hiss of collin whispering for me to come closer, although i want to badly i strongly refuse since he strongly stinks of sticky warm blood. "No you promised not to kill anyone..."I murmer. I can see hurt in his eyes. "But honey it was just this one time and-" i stop him immediatley. "NO it wasnt this ONE time!!!!! Youve did it plenty before-" i shout, something is about to snap, maybe releasing me into my wolf form to rip him to peices, the thing is that... I love him... "But honey-" he tries to comfort me into falling for his untamable ability to fool someone. "And dont call me honey!" I shout and march off proudly... At home I throw my bag down and collaspse on my bed. Maybe I should go out to the woods it would be so much easier if I turned wolf and. Went for a devoting hunt. So thats excactly what I do. I run out to the woods and leap into wolf form, now im able to run freeley. To run away from the horrors of high school, but still not away from collin. I hide in the forest behind bushes looking for a nice deer to kill... As soon as one stride in front of me I leap out and onto its back, my jaws strongly clenched on the neck to stop it from breathing. Once its dead I devour it fast just incase it brings attention to other wolves. This is my way of hunting, not for collin though, he likes to prey on fresh humans and is always happy once another human is dead he is proud to call it his kill and the worst about it is that nobody can catch him because on security cameras the police see a wolf not a human and they wouldnt belive in werewolfs. Once im finished I wander over towards a small tree and rest underneath for a while. I feel the grass sway and the wind howl, feel the bugs crawling around my paws and the birds nesting above me. Watch as the time flies and the wind whispers. Hear the birds sing and the wolves howl... WAIT wolves howl!? Ive got to run I dont like mixing with other wolves. So I run away and retreat from my free place but behind me I feel the bloody breathe of collin and he whispers "hello honey..."

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