Chapter 1

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Hi guys, so that is how I imagine their uniforms ^

"What is love???" I asked myself  while brushing my teeth " Is it something invented by humans??? Is it real??? I know I feel it when I see my dog or my sister but what do they feel???" 
Love is such a weird thing. "Annieeeeeee!!!" called my mom from downstairs "I'm ready"  To be honest I don't know if I'm actually ready for my first day in a new high school. I'm just so glad I convinced my two besties to come here with me after all it is a big change to go from a normal high school to an private high school.
    After my mom drops me off I decided to go for my schedule instantly to the office. "Hello I'm here to pick up my..." in that moment I got so nervous I forgot what I came to pick up
" schedule???" A deep and almost mocking voice scares me and it was coming from behind me. "Yeah!!! Um yeah my schedule!!!" I turn around to thank the person even though he said it in a rude way and I ended up bumping into his chest. Looking up I realized it was a very handsome blue eyed, but dark hair boy, around the same age as me, with a very sharp jaw, and marked muscles, towering over me. "Careful there" he said with a smirk on his face. " I'm sooo sorry" I said quickly getting away from him. " It's fine, I know if I was a girl and saw a guy as handsome as me I wouldn't be able to keep my hands to myself" Ugh, of course he had to be a complete jerk! I roll my eyes at him. "Ohh please!!!" I say realizing I have been watching to much Full house. I turn around to look at lady. " Name???" She says in a rude way.
" Annie" Hoping the guy already left. "Full name???" "Oh sorry, it's Annie, Annie Miller" She quickly goes through her files. "Aaa here it is, Annie Marie Miller???" "Correct" I reply with a smile reaching for my schedule when the guy quickly gets it from behind me. " Oh my gosh! Give me my schedule back!" But he's quick and raises the schedule above me
" Ummm, let me see... ahhh here it is we have exactly two classes together, you're welcome for making your research easier" He chuckles
" Give it back to her, Caspar!" says anther tall handsome boy behind me, but he is something else he has marked muscles, curly light brown hair and piercing green eyes, with a very strong jaw line too. "Okay, okay, calm down Ace, I was just having fun" says Caspar chuckling giving me my schedule back , then turning around and leaving. " Thanks,  I'm Annie" I say smiling to guy who just helped me "Ace" he says returning me a smile reaching over to give me a  hand shake. I shake his hand while looking at him making eye contact and for some kind of weird reason my heart goes fast, and I quickly pull away and look down. "Annieeeee!!!!" My friends Hannah and Sienna pull me into hug probably making Ace awkward but I really couldn't care less I was sooo happy to see my friends! " We have been looking for you everywhere!" "Where were you?" " Why don't you answer your phone?" "Who is this handsome guy?" " Are you guys dating?"My friends bombarded me with a bunch of questions all at the same time. While I see what I guess Ace's friends do the same thing to him"Wow calm down guys! We just met!" Both me and Ace say at the same time and we both laugh at the same time. " Guy meeting!!!"
" Gurl meeting!!!" Ace's friends and my friends say. While being pulled in opposite directions by our friends "See you later! If you need help just tell me!" says Ace looking back at me slightly screaming " Okay thanks, see you later!" I reply looking back at him smiling. Okay well that was nice I just made a friend, just a friend, nothing else, I had to keep reminding myself that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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