The Presentation

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October 1991

Rio strolled into class three minutes late. Not the most studious of pupils, class attendance wasn't high on his list of priorities. Yet he always found time for 3rd period biology. Slinging his backpack on the table, he grabbed his lab report out of it and handed it to Elizabeth Marks in all her voluptuous glory. His eyes took a quick full body scan, resting more than a few moments on some of her curvier features. He rubbed his hands against his jeans to resist the urge to full on grope her in public.

"Wow. This looks really good," Beth remarked, clearly impressed.

He didn't know why but her compliment rankled him. "What? Since I'm from the Eastside I can't read or something?"

A flush of pink crept up her neck and face. "No," she stuttered. "You just don't seem like you care about school that's all. I thought I'd have to do most of the work."

"Well, we're partners, aren't we? I wouldn't leave you hanging like that."

Beth smiled. "Here's my half of the report. Do you want to look over it?"

Rio's eyes scanned the beautifully handwritten copy. Beth was an honor roll student. He didn't have to worry that she'd do her part. Not like he cared about his grades anyway. He only came to school because it was good for business.

"I trust you, boo."

Beth took his paper and hers and paper clipped them together and handed them to Mr. Bell as he passed by. "Miss Marks, Mr. Sanchez," the older man nodded, a wicked gleam in his eyes almost as if he knew that making Beth his lab partner was a guaranteed way of getting him to class. Guess there was a reason Mr. Bell had been named Teacher of the Year after all.

"OK, class, settle down. I've got a fun surprise for you. It's blood type test day!"

Beth raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Marks?"

"Mr. Bell, we're learning about plant cells... How does this tie into what we're learning?"

The older man nodded. "Yes, you are quite correct. We are completely off topic. Fun fact: I learned early on in teaching that if I let my students know when the blood type test was coming - there were a lot of mysterious illnesses and absences on that day. This experiment is better as a surprise attack. That way you don't have time to psych yourselves out."

As Mr. Bell went on about the experiment and how it was to be performed, Rio noticed that Beth had gone as pale as a sheet.

"You aiiright?"

"Yeah, it's just I'm not a big fan of needles. I saw this experiment on the syllabus and was hoping to just skip that day."

"Don't worry mama, I've got you. I'll make sure you don't feel a thing," Rio promised as he began opening the test kit.

"It's a sharp needle. I don't see how that's possible."

"Gimme your hand," Rio insisted.

Beth looked at him suspiciously as if she didn't quite believe that he could make this experience painless.

"C'mon, I know a trick. I promise it won't hurt." Rio was prepared to grab her hand but to his surprise she thrust her hand towards him.

Eyes squeezed shut tightly, she murmured, "Just hurry up and get it over with."

"Is that what you have to say to Dean?" Rio couldn't stop himself from joking.

The pink flush returned, but her eyes remained shut. "Are you gonna do it or not?"

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