"William your drooling"

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Will pov

It was Saturday morning at the flower shop where I worked and I was cursing Lou my best friend for dragging me to that party last night. I am not a big party guy. Don't get me wrong, I love music and when Tay Tay is playing......there is no holding me back from the dance floor. But I am not a huge fan of the get wasted and grind against anybody that moves portion. Lou however was very fond of the activity. After she pulled me away from study to go, promising that she would provide a lift home. She hooked up with some guy and I was forced to walk home (Medical school is bleeding me dry, I can barely afford toothpaste let alone a $50 cab fare).

(and other sounds of construction)

I let out a groan. You have got to be kidding me. The shop next door to my work has been under construction for a couple of weeks. Normally I did not mind the view of hot sweaty work men through the window that the flowershop shared with the store next door (Yeah I am gay, haters move on). But after the night I had, I was not looking forward to another seven hours of pounding.


I sighed and put the sunflowers I was arranging down. I put on my best I-am-pretending-I-want-to-be-here smile and went to see the customer. " Hi how may I........Bitch Don't Talk to me!!" I turned around and walked back to the counter.

"Come on Will!!! I am sorry!!!" Lou pleaded. I  pretended not to hear but rather looked past her to the guy behind her.
"Hey Cecil"
"Hey Will" he was grinning at the by play between Lou and I.
"How far did you have to drive this time to go pick her up?" I asked. Cecil looked uncharacteristically uncomfortable.
"Oh um.......not far"

I rolled my eyes at the pair. Cecil has been in love with Lou since they were 10 years old. The guy would do anything for her....... including picking her up from one nightstands. Still he doesn't usually look this uncomfortable about it.

"Look I am sorry I ditched you last night." Lou said pulling out a gift bag. " I have a surprise for you...... if you forgive me." I  looked at my best friend and her huge pleading eyes. I knew I would forgive her. That didn't mean I wasn't gonna make her work for it.
"It took me over two hours to walk home." I said "I think you should give me the present and then depending on the contents I might consider it" I put my hand out expectantly. Lou just rolled her eyes and pushed the gift towards me.

"So dramatic William" she muttered. I  ignored her. I opened the bag to find a  Hufflepuff t-shirt. It had a dancing badger on it, with the words "Everyday I am Huffling."
I looked up at Lou staight faced. "We both know you love it my adorable geek so just give it up and forgive me," Lou said matter-a-factly. I looked down at the shirt. It was pretty freaking awesome. She knows me so well. I could feel my resolve crumbling. " I will throw in lunch" she offered.
"Fine!" I couldn't hold my smile back any longer.
"Yes!!!" She leaned over the counter and kissed my cheek.

****cue sound of beasty Motorbike****

Will looked up to see a black motorbike pull up front. The figure in black pulled off his helmet to reveal a guy with long black hair tied up in a man bun. He wore skinny jeans with dark boots. He removed his aviator jacket and layed it across his handle bars. His left arm had a full tattoo sleeve that vanished under his well fitted T-shirt. Fuck he is hot! Will and his friends watched as the stranger walked into the construction site next door.

"William your drooling" Lou said.
"Shut up Lou, like your not" I shot back.
"I think he is your new neighbor." Cecil supplied. Will could see the handsome stranger through the shared window as he talked to the builders next door.
Hmmmm maybe today won't be so bad.

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