District Eleven Male: Crescit Frumentum

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Name: Crescit Frumentum

Age: Sixteen

District: Eleven

Physical Description:  Crescit is tall, tanned, and fit from his hard work in the fields.  Even  though he doesn't climb the trees, he hauls the wheelbarrow to the drop  off station, building up a muscular stature.  Along with being  physically fit, Crescit is short on looks.  Although he is tall and  tanned, his short cropped brown hair and eyes leave him average looking.

Personality: Crescit  likes order.  If there is no order, there is an unbalanced Crescit.   Crescit needs to know that he is needed in some place, because all he  does is work and work and work.  If there is no work to be done, Crescit  will feel useless.  Crescit is a friendly guy, but he doesn't make  himself sociable, so he has a little number of friends.  He's very  sarcastic, and he'll make sure you know it.  He wants people to get a  light feeling from him, and his sarcasm makes him quite charming.

Background: Crescit was  the firstborn child to his parents, followed by a brother and a sister.   He was always able to keep his studies his main priority until he began  working in the fields.  Because he worked for his uncle, his parents  sent Crescit to live with him instead. However, when Crescit's grades  began to drop, he was ordered to move back in with his family.  After  that horrible incident, Crescit's mother always makes sure he is doing  well in his studies before allowing him to show up to work.  His two  younger siblings were undeniable much more gifted than he could ever be,  so Crescit decided that being smart wasn't his purpose.  Even though he  still keeps his grades high, Crescit spends more time working on the  plantation, hoping to one day be the best harvester in all of District  Eleven.

Reaped/ Volunteered: Reaped

Reaction/Reason: Crescit  was momentarily surprised, slightly shocked, but he learned to accept  his fate after being pushed being pushed to the center aisle.

Strengths:  Crescit is  strong.  He lugs the crops to their designated spot on the plantation.   Crescit is quiet.  Due to his social awkwardness, Crescit prefers not to  speak.  Crescit possess good leadership skills.  He's great at pulling  through in a tough situation alongside companions.

Weaknesses: Crescit does  not do well with continuous human interaction.  He's about as  interesting as dirt.  Crescit overthinks things more than necessary.  He  spends too much time debating all the different outcomes.  Crescit  hates small spaces.  He needs to be out in the open air to fully  function.

Weapon:  Crescit would use any weapon that is long and thin, particularly used for short range fighting.

Token:  The leftover metal scraps of an award he won woven together and bound into a pendant.

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