District Four Male: Negan Martin

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Author: minijessie_

Name: Negan Shiva Martin

Age: 39

Sex: Male obviously.

District: Four.

Physical Description: Negan has long black hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin compared to most in his district. He is very muscular. He's also tall.

Personality: Negan is in one word a jerk.
He bosses people around without a second thought.
If you mess with him he isn't afraid to kill you.
He also has a messed up sense of humor.

Background: Negan's parents are unknown due to him being abandoned as a child.
When  he was 12 he was finally adopted by an women known as Margie. Negan was  never interested in finding his parents and if he did he'd kill them  for leaving him.
As he grew up he learned how to become a decent fisherman. It was at his job he met his husband Rick.

Family: Rick Oxford Martin(husband)
Margie Jane (adoptive mom)

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped.

Reaction/Reason: When Negan's name was reaped he laughed like a maniac. He is excited to be going in the games.

Strengths: He has leadership tendencies.
He knows how to swim being from district four.

Weaknesses: Due to being a complete jerk his chances at finding allies are slim.
He has a soft spot for people who are very young.

Weapon: A harpoon or blowdart gun.

Token: A locket with a picture of his husband inside.
On the front is the engraving.
"True love will never die."

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