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Long before Rose was born, there was the death of a great hero.
A black and silver dragon stood gazing at the land before him. He had purple eyes and wore a gold helmet with emerald tipped horns. He was waiting. His son stood next to him, a small dragon that looked exactly like him. This one, however, did not wear a helmet.
The two watched the land in silence for a bit until the smaller dragon asked his father a question. "What are we waiting for?"
The bigger dragon turned to his son. "Oh, sorry Terrath. I forgot to tell you. I stopped by Woodburrow Village today and a gray and white wolf challenged me to a duel. I told him to meet me here."
Terrath looked a bit troubled. "You will win the battle won't you father?"
His father laughed. "Of course! I won't lose to a wolf!"
Terrath smiled. "Well, that's a relief."
They both sat back in silence, continuing to watch the land from their cave. 
At last, a horse came over the hill. A wolf was on it. He was a gray and white wolf with green eyes and a scar across his right eye. Terrath could tell that his right eye was blind. He wore a set of silver armor and carried a sheathed sword.
"Ah, Axemillious cocky as ever. When will you leave my village alone?" The wolf asked.
Terrath's father laughed and snorted. "Never. I find that it's quite fun to mess with you and other villagers."
The wolf wrinkled his white snout into a snarl. "Well that's going to end today isn't it? After I slay you."
Axemillious snorted. "Don't make me laugh Wolficus. I am going to slay you before you can say, 'Oh no! I need help!'"
"I would never utter those words in my life!" Wolficus snarled.
"I believe you would!" Terrath's father sneered.
"This is redundant and ridiculous!" The wolf hissed.
"Yes I suppose. Shall we begin?" Axemillious asked, bored.
"Yes, but I have a few rules," Wolficus said.
The dragon raised one eyebrow. "What rules?"
"You cannot wear your helmet and I cannot wear my armor," He growled. "No way around it."
Axemillious huffed, smoke briefly curling out of his nostrils. "You think I'd make this duel unfair!"
Wolficus raised one white eyebrow and looked unamused. "You cheat all of the time!"
"Ugh. You know me too well," Axemillious huffed. He took off his helmet. "Terrath? Could you hold this for me?"
Terrath nodded as the big, golden helmet fell down toward him. He reached out his small talons as it hit him. The blow almost knocked him over but he managed to not drop it. He sat it down next to him and looked back at the two.
Wolficus, like the deal asked for, took his armor off and unsheathed his sword. "Let's end this."
Axemillious rolled his eyes and nodded, standing up to full height and unfurling his wings to full wingspan.
Wolficus got into a fighting stance and the two charged at each other.
Terrath ran a few feet away from the fight to not get hurt.
Axemillious breathed a ring of fire around Wolficus to trap him. He bared down on him because his own fire did not hurt him.
Wolficus swung his sword in a circle, putting the flames out and cutting a gash in Axemillious's protective neck scales.
The dragon roared in fury and put his talon forward to grab the wolf.
Wolficus jumped up to avoid it and cut four of Axemillious's fingers off.
Terrath flinched as his dad roared in pain.
Wolficus smirked. "Give up yet?"
"NO!!!!" The dragon roared, violently grabbing the wolf while he was off guard.
Wolficus suddenly grew fearful of this. Axemillious was angrier than before and he had not expected this move.
"Yeah! Get him dad!" Terrath cheered.
He came to his senses and began to violently swing his sword in random directions, slicing scales off and making shallow slashes.
Axemillious roared in triumph and crushed the wolf in his fist. He then turned around and threw him.
Terrath cheered.
His dad crouched down to his level and turned to him. "It's over now. See? Nothing to worry about-" a sword went through his neck. Blood dripped from the blade. It had gone straight through the middle.
Terrath screamed.
Axemillious's pupils grew small and dilated. He looked down at the bloody sword tip then at Terrath. "Cccclllc-CLLLCCCC-UH!!!!" He choked as blood rose into his mouth.
Wolficus narrowed his eyes and pulled the sword out.
Axemillious fell over and Wolficus stood unharmed. The wolf then went over to the dead dragon and cut the protective scales and skin off him.
Terrath stared in horror at Wolficus and Axemillious's dead body.
The wolf then turned around to look at Terrath. "Oh. He had a son now didn't he? That's just great isn't it?" He growled dangerously. "Now, I suggest that you run before this sword goes through your neck too."
The little dragon panicked and didn't know what to do. "How did you survive being crushed?"
Wolficus grew impatient and slashed Terrath's right eye. Blood welled from the wound. "I said run!"
Terrath quickly grabbed Axemillious's helmet and put it on his own head. It was big and heavy and didn't fit but he still got it to remember his dead father. Then he ran like he had never ran before.
Twenty years later....

Terrath was now fully grown and was a very large dragon. He was a very rare kind of dragon that grew taller than the average one, almost twice as big. The wound that Wolficus had given him had scarred and blinded his right eye. He now had a castle of his own, one that was made from black iron bricks. It stood on its own in a dead forest filled with fog and vicious creatures.
He paced around on the red and gold carpets of his throne room. He didn't have any minions or monster servants yet for his castle.
Terrath had been thinking of a plan to kill Wolficus ever since he ran away from him that day, twenty years ago.
He had devised a plan. Terrath had spied on Woodburrow Village and knew where Wolficus lived. The village pretty much worshipped him for slaying Axemillious the Terrible. They had found him a cave near the village and had filled it with riches. Tapestries, gold, gems; everything a dragon could want for his horde.
Terrath planned to bust into Wolficus's cave, kill him, possibly eat him, and steal everything that he wanted.
He went into his personal library. The dragon went to a shelf and pulled out the scroll that he had made, depicting all of the lands. He had made sure to circle Wolficus's cave.
Terrath went outside his castle and started flying to Woodburrow. It didn't take too long, all he had to do was pass Pine Town and the tribe. He flew above Woodburrow Plain and saw Wolficus's cave, it was near the village and Magmaborne.
He landed outside of the cave. There was a scream as a villager was outside picking apples from the trees and saw Terrath. He quickly killed her with one smack of his tail. He ate the evidence and turned to the cave.
Wolficus stood outside of it, he had heard the scream and came to investigate. He looked different than the last time Terrath saw him. He now had silver streaks of hair and looked more feeble. To top it all off, he wore armor made from Axemillious's scales.
"Ah, I see that you and your inferior species's aging has gotten the best of you," the dragon chuckled.
"And I see that my slash has gotten the best of you. Your eye is blind," Wolficus retorted.
"Well so is yours isn't it?" Terrath sneered.
"Well yes, but actually my sight is failing so that doesn't coun—"
"Enough!" The dragon growled, lashing his tail.
"Let me guess, you came to avenge your father's death? If you are half as stupid as he was then you'll die quickly," Wolficus growled, unsheathing his sword. It had dragon bloodstains on it.
"You think I'd be half the idiot that he was? You must not be very intelligent yourself. I know things that you could never comprehend," Terrath roared. He whipped out a talon to grab Wolficus.
The wolf dodged and smirked up at Terrath. "Your dad's tricks won't work on me. You know really how I defeated him? I cheated. I used a temporary invincibility potion made by our alchemist Blizzard."
The dragon grew more furious by this. "You killed him by cheating!" Terrath was so angry by this and whipped out his tail faster than the blink of an eye.
His tail hit Wolficus and killed him at the spot.
Terrath feasted triumphantly and used the wolf's sword to pick gray tufts of hair from in between his teeth. "Ah, those frustrating bits of hair really do ruin a good meal."
He looked down at the shredded bits of Axemillious's scales. "Well, I guess being a cannibal never hurt anyone." He gathered all of Wolficus's treasure.
Terrath heard gasps and turned to see the entirety of Woodburrow Village staring up at him in fear. He grinned, though they couldn't see it underneath Axemillious's helmet—
No, his helmet.
"Woodburrow Village. I killed your hero. What will you do about it?" He sneered.
The animals said nothing and scooted closer together.
Terrath boomed an evil laugh and flew to his castle.

Swords & Shields Book 1Where stories live. Discover now