of bernard's watch.

20 3 0

and time did stop,
with just but a simple click,
of this befuddled pocket clock.
thy ruthless master,
heralded king on existence's throne,
bowed down to I.
thy mighty white spirited stallion,
untamed, majestic
galloping through the vast universe,
was reigned in by I.
halted, hindered, desisted
Oh, how poorly these mere verbs depict,
this unrivalled deed,
this unequalled fete,
that has for all eternity eluded,
gods, kings and all of man.

then I saw her smile,
there, frozen still.
amongst everything and everyone,
was the very essence of life,
captured to perfection.
there, unmoving still
was the very symbol of purity,
of happiness, of true joy
the such that mankind has toiled
and endured insufferable centuries
to grasp just a morsel of.

and alas I did so deeply, deeply regret
at so cruel my plight.
that I ,
the holder of time, of existence
was not frozen with the rest of y'all,
so that I,
could remain right there,
forever in the presence if true bliss.


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