Chapter 1

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Spring in Moominvalley. Unarguably the most joyous time for its inhabitants. The moomins, snorks, hemulens, all creatures finish hibernating. The grass grows vibrant once again as the blanket of snow melts, and for one moomin, it means a certain mumrik comes back from his travels. All creatures near Moominvalley have heard the tales from the porcupine and the squirrel and the blabbermouth who calls himself Teetywoo. On the first day of spring, Moomintroll waits patiently for Snufkin to return.
When the distant notes of a harmonica are heard, Snufkin is nearby, on his way back to greet all of his friends with a new spring tune. And this spring, he's right on time, waiting on the bridge for Moomintroll to wake up from hibernation.
Moomintroll's eyes fluttered open, and his ears perked towards the bridge. With haste, he climbed out of his window and slid down the ladder.
"Snufkin!" He called out. Snufkin glanced over while finishing playing the song.
"Good morning Moomintroll." He greeted.
"That's a lovely tune as always." Moomintroll said as he sat next to him on the bridge.
"Are the others awake yet?" Snufkin asked. Moomintroll looked back at moomin house for a moment.
"I'm not sure. I woke up to your tune," he started. "but you should come in for some breakfast! You can tell us all about your travels." He suggested excitedly.
"That would be nice, Moomintroll."

"Thank you very much, Moominmama." Snufkin said gently before sipping his freshly poured tea.
"It's nothing Snufkin, we're happy to have you here." Moominmama cheered.
"C'mon Snufkin out with it!" Little My shouted. "What did you do during the winter?"
Snufkin recollected for a moment.
    "My travels took me many places this winter." He began. "First to a small village, inhabited by tens of hemulens. Fascinating creatures they are of course, so focused on their unique interests." He took another sip of his tea. "I was also fortunate enough to observe a herd of hattifatteners. Seems they were also quite ready to set off for the winter."
    "You're really lucky to be able to see such amazing things, Snufkin." Moomintroll awed.
    "You know, you don't have to stay in Moominvalley all the time, Moomintroll. You could always travel as well." Snufkin suggested.
    "Very true! I did lots of traveling when I was near your age." Moominpapa added.
    "You think maybe I could come traveling with you this winter, Snufkin?" Moomintroll eagerly hoped. Snufkin chuckled.
    "Well, I don't know about that, but I'd be willing to accompany you if you decided to travel during summer." After taking a final sip of his tea, Snufkin grabbed his bag, thanked the Moomins for breakfast, and set off to prepare his tent.

    After a long day of catching up with his friends, Snufkin began finishing setting up his campsite. He lit a small fire beneath a pot. He poured in water, and sat back as he waited for it to begin boiling.
    As the fire crackled, and crickets chirped, Snufkin let his mind wonder. With the inhabitants of Moominvalley asleep, there was a welcoming quiet mixed into the constant buzz of nature.
    Snufkin perked up. The sound of a twig breaking from the forest...followed by faint footsteps in dirt.
    Cautiously, Snufkin lit his lantern, slowly inching towards the source of the noise.
    "Hello?" He shouted. "Is anyone there? It's awful late for a hike you know." He squinted into the darkness. He could barely make out a silhouette.
    "Snufkin?" Said a familiar voice. "Snufkin, that's you, right?" Snufkin cocked his head, lowering his guard a bit. The figure walked close enough to the lantern to make out clothes and half of a face.
    A dark green coat, tucked yellow scarf, and red hat. The Joxter. Snufkin gasped.
    "Dad?!" He shouted in surprise.
    "So it is true then! I've heard that you arrive in Moominvalley first day of spring. Strange still, I've never heard of a mumrik spending so much time in one place." Joxter began picking through Snufkin's stuff.
    "Hey, wait!" Snufkin protested.
    "Oh right!" Joxter said abruptly. He walked up to Snufkin with his arms out. Snukin took a moment to process, before throwing himself into a hug.
    "I missed you too, Snufkin." Joxter assured. "I honestly thought it'd be a lot harder to find you. I asked around and I learned you'd be here, so I was sure to clear my schedule for spring."
    "It's...really good to see you again...after all this time." Snufkin wiped a tear from his eye. "Come, I'm making stew. I'll help you set up camp once we've finished eating."
Joxter smiled.
    "Sounds excellent, Snufkin."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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