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    "Jesus fucking christ... Come on guys, there's no need to be so cold." The female chuckled lightly and used her ice plasmid to freeze the group of Splicers in front of her. Ice shattered as she pulled out a shotgun and fired a few slugs into the insane residents of Rapture, sighing lightly once they were dealt with. She finally turned around and walked over to the Little Sister who had just lost her Daddy to the troublesome group.

"It's alright little one, you're going to be alright. Mister Bubbles is just taking a nap." The red-head rouched down and picked up the child with a motherly smile, quickly saving her and setting her back onto the ground.

"Thank you mama Mary! I'll see you later!" The Little Sister grinned and rushed over to the nearest vent, and the woman walked over to assist her.

    Once the Little Sister was safe and sound, Mary started walking down the large hallway, heading back to where Tenenbaum, the Little Sisters, and herself took refuge.
Her radio emitted static and an all to familiar voice spoke up, causing her to sigh in irritation.

"Aye Mary, I see you've been savin' the damn brats again."


"Oh come on, love. Don't be soundin' so disappointed."

    "I've told you time and time again, they are just children. They have more of a right to live than you or I, so how about you shut up and go get stepped on by a Big Daddy."

"Oh, I'm so hurt by your cruel words. Actually, I might be usin' that later on." The Irishman chuckled lightly and she eard the soft sound of a fire plasmid being extinguished. With an exasperated sigh Mary vaulted over a desk and turned a corner.

"Smoking again?"

"Oh? Is the little shepard worried about my health~?"

"Eugh, course not. I was just hoping that Jack would get to kill you first." A small smile found its way onto her face as she playfully teased the other.

"Oh boo-hoo, whatever happened to 'We from Ireland must stay close' ? Anyway, I outta be headin' off though. Boyo is gonna be watchin a show in just a few minutes, and I'm the star." The radio fell silent once more and I sighed once more.

Damn Atlas.

    "Tenenbaum! I'm- Ah-! " As soon as the female walked through the door a herd of small children tackled her to the ground.

"Mama Mary's back!"

"Did you bring us anything?"

"What's in your bag?"

"Mama Mary, mama Mary!" The Little Sisters giggled and helped the curly haired woman back up to the best of their ability. After she was back on her feet she looked at the children with a smile.

"Alright children, go back to your games." Oh would you look at that, if it isn't the one and only Brigid Tenenbaum.
"Mary, my office now."

"Yes ma'am." With a respectful nod Mary set a large bag on to ground and removed a pack of cigarettes before joining the other in her office.

    Tenenbaum held out a hand as she took a seat on the edge of her desk. The pack of cigarettes was tossed over and the woman nodded.
"You've done good lately, dear." She opened the pack and lit one, taking a long drag from the cigarette before storing the rest in a drawer. "But I do have some concerns regarding Atlas."

"What are they, T-"

"You've been getting quite friendly with him over the coms, Mary. You know very well what happened back in '58."

"... Yes, I am well aware..." She lied. Mary had heard bits and pieces of rumors about what happened in 1958. Some local detective getting impaled by a Big Daddy. A little girl taken. Down here in Rapture, even in its so-called 'Glory days', those events were hardly a rarity.
Her memory was hardly the best, so specific details often needed to be repeated to her.

    Although she frowned, Tenenbaum motioned for the red-head to leave. "Very well, you may have the rest of the day dealing with the children. I have a few calls to make."

Mary nodded and quickly exited the room, cleared her throat, and went to pick up her bag. Going into the kitchen she sighed. A few of the little sisters were playing with rag dolls on the floor. With a sharp whistle the girls stood and ran over to assist with putting away the rations.

"No dear, beans go in the other- no, the other one. Ah, there you go. Oh please do be careful with that glass sweetie, we don't want you to get hurt." Mary rushed over to the Little Sister who was having issues in getting down a glass for some water. She suddenly collapsed, flashes of a distant memory appearing in her vision.

    An alpha series strode purposefully into the room, following after a Little Sister. A couple in the way were startled and she chuckled from the corner of the room.
A scream.

The screams of a little girl echoed down the hallway and the Big Daddy took off down the hallway. After slinging her drink to the ground she followed after the heavy footsteps, hearing the familiar noise of a drill tearing through flesh nearby. She skidded to a halt and pushed through a door. A woman walked down a staircase to stand beside the Little Sister from before.

"Ah... There we go. Perfectly safe now." She looked down at the girl with a sickly sweet smile before turning her gaze to the Big Daddy kneeling before her. "This is not your daughter. Do you understand?"

    A sharp pain erupted across Mary's face and she blinked a few times to gain her bearings once more. Tenenbaum was crouched in front of her, a soft look of concern on her face.
"Ah, good thing the slap worked, I wouldn't've wanted to waste our water on waking you."

"... My apologies, Tenenbaum..."

"It's quite alright dear. I take it another flashback?"

"The 1958 New Year's party. Sofia-"

"Mm. What have I said about this?"

"But I couldn't do anything about this. She took Eleanor. She killed Delta. I could've saved them..."

"Dear you were only 18 at the time. There's no need to fret. Come now, get up and assist me in cleaning. I'll take the first watch while you get some rest." Tenenbaum extended a hand and helped the red-head up. She went to the small table in the corner and double continued working on something.

Mary frowned and started cleaning up a few stray toys littered around the area, soon retiring to her bedroom.
"You're a damn fool, Mary."

Hey guys! Ami here and I just wanted to type something up to help organize my thoughts about on of my (coughcoughmany) ocs. If you have any questions or constructive criticism, I would gladly answer and appreciate them!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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