I was born in 1756, yes, that means I am 258 years old and counting. Wow, that sounds strange to say. When most people see me they are all like, "She's Beautiful" or they just pass out. Maybe it's the golden glow around me, or my sea blue eyes that flow nicely with my long, shiny brown hair. Some people come across me and see the true me, fangs, red eyes, rotting skin, etc. This could be because I was brought back from the dead by a curse that keeps me alive, or because that one person, is so evil, it is unimaginable.
Present Day
Walking through the streets if Alkatraz, in which I live with thousands of other Cursed Ones. I'm one of the younger of the 56 people. Ya, some people saw Jesus on the cross they're that old. My big memory was the Titanic, in which I got stuck in the third class room, drowned, and woke up in my feather bed the next morning. My best friend, Josie Parks was alive during WWII. Josie has Blonde hair, Golden eyes and freckles. She was beautiful. You might say that staying alive your whole life is brilliant. No. It is not. You don't get kids. Or a husband. Or special days. Yes, I guess I have married but I was forced to see my husband grow old and weak. The day he died, I still looked 16. I married again and it happened again and again and again. People always thought I was sleeping with my grandfather. Ick.
Josie and my other friend, Carter Winsfall were hiking up the side of a near vertical mountain, carrying buckets of heavy iron. We were preparing for a war. A very terrible war. A war I did not want to be with. A war in which was so bad, I would rather live forever. If that makes any sense. I adjusted my pole over my neck and wiped beads of sweat from my face.
"Gah" Carter yelled as the heavy pole yanked him backwards causing him to stumble down the mountain.
"WINSFALL! GET BACK UP THERE! ANOTHER LOAD OF IRON FOR YOU!" Yelled the drill Sargent, Kalioppi. He pulled Carter off the ground and threw the pole around his neck, a blow that would have killed a regular person. I picked up walking speed and caught up to Josie. "This is terrible" she was whispering. Josie appeared as a 10-11 year old girl, while she really was over 1367 years old. "Kill me now" she mumbled. "It's not that bad" I said. "Ya, but you haven't fell down the mountain and had to carry another ton!" She braced herself and released her pole with one hand, in an attempt to wipe the sweet from her eyebrows but the 4 tons she held in her left hand gained control and she tumble down the mountain as Drill Sargeant Kallioppi yelled at her and another kid.