Chapter deux

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Ashley's POV

It was a pretty boring day it was just teacher rambling about work we need to do I couldn't be bothered to listen them.I yawned as i got up going to lunch as i was about to walk in when i felt a hand grab mine i turned and i see Kace again what does this boy want this time

"Hey i'm sorry about earlier but you didn't have to be a rude about it" He said looking at me with those blue eyes that are the colour of the ocean i never been this close to him i don't think anyone has been close with him with all of his fights and reputation people are scared to even look at him

"Sorry bad day" I said pulling my hand away from his as i walked in the cafeteria

"Wanna talk about it?" He rushed beside me

"It's none of your business Kace don't you have other things to do?" I huffed i just want this boy to be away from me i know he's bad news and i don't wanna be associated with that kind of people

"no and let me help you get lunch to pay back from bumping into you even tho you were a bitch" Kace grabbed a tray for me which i grabbed it from him

"Thanks but i'm not a child i can get lunch on my own"I walked to the food line getting my lunch and finally getting Kace off my ass

I sighed and  sat down when i was about to eat my sandwich when someone i know walked to my table

the most popular girl in school


This day could not get much worse

She's mostly popular cause she's rich her dad is some kind of bussiness man probably selling drugs since shes always high and making out with guys in the back of the school,people leech on to her either for her money or her body or both to be honest

The whole school knows how much of a slut Safiya,she got guys wrapped her finger and she was the godess of school if you were with her you would be basically a king for a week until she finds a new bait,she is also very pretty and blessed with curves in the right places,anyone would crazy not to give into her and every girl wanted to be her but i didn't

"oh lookie her Ashley summer sitting alone once again wheres your other loser friends oh yeah you dont got friends" she laughed flipping her hair to the side i looked at what she was wearing

her outfit barely covered anything it was just skin,A tube top and shorts (that are shorter a middle schoolers nut),it was kinda nauseating to look at
She was about to make another insult when someone spoke up

"Cant you fuck off Safiya leave her alone"i heard a voice behind her i already knew who it was as Kace sat beside me putting his arm around my shoulders
"So kace is your boyfriend now huh? Could've had guess you're both weirdos anyways,You're lucky this time summers but I'm not done with you" Safiya walked away her heels clicking as she went to her table

I sighed looking at Kace "Thanks for saving me there but I'm still not gonna be nice to you"

"You'll eventually like me trust me"He gave you a smirk,I rolled my eyes and standing up putting my tray in the trash

"I'll get there"Kace held his smirk as he watched you walk out of the cafeteria

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