Chapter 3

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It wasn't exactly the media finding out that bothered/worried us. It was the amount of drama that will be started between both fandoms. Our fans are our favorite people in the whole world, and I can't stand seeing them unhappy. of course, there are the Sweeran shippers, who probably are currently throwing a party because of how ecstatic they are to know that this is official. But then there are the Haylor shippers, and the Taylor Squared shippers, so on, who will be unhappy to find this out. I tell this to Ed.

"Taylor," he replies. "you have to stop stressing. it was time they found out anyway. and still- it's not official. as far as everybody knows, it's still nothing more but a rumor. And remember, your fans love you! as long as you're happy, they're happy. Your happiness is all that is important to them. Are there going to be fans who are upset about us being together? of course. but that anger/sadness will only last for a split second. then, they'll realize that you're happy with this part of your life right now, and they will be too. Relax. I love you."

I smile. I suppose he's right. that's why I love my swifties- they're selfless, amazing, beautiful people. it's the same for ed's sheerios. they'll understand that we love each other, and that's that.



wow short chapter! haha but anyways I'm tori and I'm the author/writer of this. Taylor and Ed are my idols and I love Sweeran so much I can't even omg ajjdnsndns<<<<---- literally how I feel about sweeran. I hope you like this fanfiction as much as I enjoy writing it!

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