1: Moving In: Liz's POV

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Liz's P.O.V.

Well, this is it. The last of the boxes for everyone. I grab my last two while Emily, Martin, and Dakota grab theirs. I hop out of the moving truck, and walk through the front door into the new house. Inside, you could see the fully packed boxes stacked everywhere, everyone too lazy to actually take them upstairs yet. Although, by this time, I believe no one could tell each other's boxes apart. All I know, is the bedroom things are at the bottom of the stairs....

We really needed to label these damn things.....

I sigh, and walk into the kitchen to start unpacking cutlery and hand towels and such. There weren't too many boxes, thank god, but they were all HUGE! Luckily we have a giant kitchen to put all of this stuff in though. 

After another 15 minutes, I see the bottom of the second box. I smile, and laugh in triumph. There was only two more boxes now! I reach in for the towels, but before I could even reach half way into the box, a spider decides to make it's appearence, and jump right on my hand.

"HOLY SHIT GOD FUCKING DAMN IT GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" I scream. I feel the spider get flung off my hand, and onto the wall, where it splatters all over.

Well, that sure didn't last long....

"Liz! Are you okay?!" I hear Emily yell from the livingroom.

"Yeah! I'm fine!" I reply. I look down at the box, and decide not to reach in there again. I can make someone else do it later. I walk out of the kitchen, past the spiral staircase, and into the livingroom. The three were staring at me like I was crazy.

"What in the hell was the yelling about?" Martin asks me. 

"Go in there and see." I tell him while pointing to the kitchen. He shrugs and gets up to go look. Afer a minute, he comes back out and just sits on the couch. I rais an eyebrow at him waiting for a response.

"You have every right to scream about that," he finally says. I nod and then look over at the boxes next to the stairs and sigh. 

"We have to get up and get those upstairs, don't we?" Dakota asks, and we all nod. "Well then, let's get to it."

We all grab boxes, and take them upstais and into our individual rooms. I really hope they're not too mixed up...

Two people tripping, five box spills, and an hour later, all the excess boxes were upstairs. Although, we're not quite sure if they're all in the right rooms. Everyone only has five boxes to each. I know for sure that Martin, Dakota, and I already have one of our own boxes. Emily on the other hand, already knows she has two of hers for a fact.


Anyway, I put away the box I knew for a fact were mine, and then grabbed the closest one to me. I gingerly grabbed the box opener and carefully cut through the tape on the top. With eyes clamped shut, I opened the flaps of the box and reached inside to grab a peice of clothing. I cringed, and opened one of my eyes to see a guys t-shirt. At least it was a shirt, and not boxers...

I looked at the shirt carefully, and decided this was a box of Dakota's clothes. Underneith the shirt, was a blue and grey colored jacket...

I might just steal that....

..........so I did........

But not now. Maybe later in life. I drop the shirt back into the box, and head across the hall. I knock on Dakota's door, and then open it, not waiting for a response. I walk in just in time to see Dakota holding up my twilight poster. 

"I take it this is yours?" He asks me. I nod sheepishly as I set his box down on his bed. 

"And this is full of your clothes. Have fun organizing." I tell him, before grabbing my box and heading back to my bedroom. I set my posters down next to my other box, and head to the next box. Thank god, it turned out to be mine. The last one on the other hand, ended up being Emily's. I drop it off in her room, but not before stealing one of Dakota's hats out of the box he had for them. I believe Emily gave one to Martin too, before giving the box back to Dakota. 

Ha. Have fun ever finding the missing hats again. 

I am now down to only four boxes, and everyone seems to have all theirs, because Emily gave one to Martin, so she has only five, and Martin to Dakota.... I am missing a box....

"DOES ANYONE HAVE AN EXTRA BOX?" I scream down the hall, and I hear two shouts of 'NO' from Emily and Martin.

Dakota, where is your shout of yes or no?

I walk into Dakota's room, not even bothering to knock this time, and see him holding a notebook in his hands. I walk over, an realize it's MY notebook!

"Dakota, give that back!" I demand, reaching for the notebook in the proccess. He just pulls it away from me, before sprinting out the door. I follow, but am now confused as to where he went.... 

Damn him...

I sighed, then went back to his room and grabbed the box that the notebook came from. I drop the box off in my room, and then head downstairs. I honestly don't think that the notebook could do any harm anyway.

"So, is the box situation all sorted out?" I ask Emily and Martin, who were sat on one of the chouches. 

"Yup!" Emily replies. I can tell she's super excited we got to do this. I am as well. I mean, this is what we've been wanting to do for a while now, and what with winning the lottery AND powerball, we were able to afford this place really easily.

"I declare we all go to bed, considering it is almost 11 at night." Martin says, and Emily and I agree with him. Dakota is still nowhere to be seen.

The three of us head upstairs and say goodnight. I change into PJ's and flop onto my bed. I'm out like a light.

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