Please wake up

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"Can"? Asked horrified Sanem while holding the log between her hands a second after realizing who is the victim she hit on the head. Her breathing still fast due to fear of a bear behind the bush which now seems to be quite human. Now watching his body laying on the ground and not moving woke her from the shock she recieved after seeing him falling . Not feeling much of a hero at the moment she felt like freaking out but she came to her senses and called his name again in horror but didn't get a response  . She bent down and tried to shake him a bit but he was out cold. He layed there half on his belly his left hand over his head. She moved his hand aside, gently checking his pulse which was strong , now moved to check his head. Spreading his thick hair feeling a large bump increasing and feeling a warm sticky liquid puring out from a wound. It wasn't bleeding too much but still it was a head wound. And now Can is unconcious ,they are alone in the woods and she has no cellolar phone to call for help. She shouts for help but it appears they are by themselves. She taps on his cheecks trying to wake him up but still with no response. She took her scarf and put it over the bleeding wound. She guessed Can spied on her just to keep an eye on her. And now he lays unconcious. Tears filled her eyes while she kept calling his name.Several minutes later while she set with his head over her thigh thinking and trying to calculate her next move  she felt a  movement accompanied by a sigh as his hand went straight to his acking head but she stops his hand from touching the wound and she keeps pressing the scarf with the other hand to stop the bleeding."Dont move Can ,you hurt your head" was the first thing she said. His eyes flatter as he tries to gain his sight. Watching her face so close to his trying to remember what happened before he felt a sharp pain on his head and everything became dark.  With a wick voice and an unsure stare he calls her name and she immediatly answers "I'm right here Can ,please dont move too much"."What happened"? He asks  trying to restore the last minute before he passed out and she answers " i heard noises from the bush thinking it was a bear so i took a large log and attacked it but it wasn't a bear " now smilling in an apologizing look  but when hearing Can sigh with pain she immediatly shifted a smilling face into apologetic mode "I'm so so sorry Can i didn't mean to hurt you" .He looks at her worried face saying with a drunk gaze "you are so beautiful"  and smiles. She can't hold herself and sniles back with embarracment. Two seconds passed by while they still stare at each other when he adds "It's ok Sanem, I'll be fine ,just help me up" and Sa em comes back to her senses He is trying to sit but immediately feels nausea. He breaths slowly in and out until it's over and tries again,  this time with successe as Sanem helps him. She offers him  the scarf as she can't reach his hight "Press it there,it's bleeding a bit " he takes it and puts it on the bump.  She offeres him a bottle of water  'drink some water buy small zips". He happily takes it with his free hand and he is now smilling at her again. Making her feel uncertain "what? Why are you smilling again"? She asks looking confused. "I'm the happiest bear alive" he ststed. She then smiles back at him saying " You'll always be my Albatros", "let's go back now"  taking his hand over her shoulder so to support him  they walk back to the camp both smilling.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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