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I'd say I want
my old life back
high school without you in it
but it wouldn't be 100% true

you brought something to my life
that I found I never wanted to be without
but now that you're gone
something feels missing
there's a void I can't fill
and a feeling I'm forgetting something
no matter the day

there's too many memories
for this little town
and I keep trying
to cover them up with new ones
cover you up
but your memories push through
making my work useless

I'm gonna get out of this
little heartbreak town
and I'm going to make my own life
and I may not ever see you again
and the thought of that kills me
but if it stops the nightmares
if it stops my hurting
and if it stops the endless tears

then Devil,
I think I need to tell you something
but I'd rather say it in person
if you don't mind Babe

The Devil's Love-Ridden Abuse II POETRY  Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now