Diary 23

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"Mr. Kim, the illness you've been having is getting worse. Have you been taking the medications that I prescribed?" asked the doctor.

"I ran out. I was too busy to call for more refills." he replied.

"Is the medicine helping?" asked the doctor.

"No, the symptoms keeps on coming back. My heart was pounding like whenever I have to work." he replied again.

The doctor started to check his heart rate, it was beating very slowly.

"Do you think I'll get a heart transplant?" Mr. Kim asked.

The doctor sighed in disappointment. "I'm sorry. Your heart is too weak for the procedure."


Mr. Kim went home and was stressed out. He didn't know how long is he going to live.

He couldn't tell his wife and his kids. He decided to write a little note and will try his best to hide his symptoms.


"Here, you can share this room with me. Ye-Jun usually wants his own room. Hope you don't mind." Daehyun said.

"I don't mind." Kai said as he started to unpack.

"Anyway, make yourself at home."

"Yeah. Thanks."

Daehyun looked puzzled. Kai doesn't usually act like this or maybe...

"Have you visited your father?" he asked.

"No, I will eventually." Kai replied.

"That's good. Well, I need to talk to Ye-Jun. He maybe young to understand all of this. So I got some explaining to do."

Daehyun was about to leave but Kai stopped him.



"When I drove Naeun home, she's scared, but I did promise her something." Kai said.

"What did you promise her?" Daehyun asked.

"I promised her...when this is over. I won't bother her no more." Kai replied.

"Pabo, you have to say that?" Daehyun asked. "I'll talk to you later, after I talk to Ye-jun. You have lots of explaining to do."


Naeun sat in her room, she was wearing her pajamas and she was looking at herself in the mirror.

She sighed and walked out of her room.

"Where are you going?" Kai asked, which he startled her.

"Omo, you scared me Kai." she replied.

"Sorry. Anyway, where are you going?"

"I was thirsty." Naeun replied.

"I'll follow you to the kitchen." Kai said.

Naeun nodded and went to the kitchen and poured some water. She also poured water for Kai as well.

Then they both walked back upstairs.

"Sleep well." Kai said.

"What about you?" Naeun asked.

"I'll be fine. Or....you want me to sleep with you." Kai said smirking.

Naeun nudged him on his arm.


Kai chuckled. "Get some sleep. I got something to do."

"Night." With that, Naeun closed the door and went to sleep.


"So, explain what you promised her." Daehyun said.

"The way she talked to me today, well. It feels like she doesn't want to see me." Kai said.

"Yah, she's just in shock of what's going on. That's all." Daehyun said.

"I know. But you know my feelings towards her anyway." Kai said.


Dear Diary,

A smile on Kai's face tonight was cute. It made me feel safe.

Saranghae Kim Jongin

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