I've come to the point where it's become a hard task to get up in the morning. I feel uncomfortable to even look at myself in the mirror. I've grown accustom to being someone i'm not just because i wanted to impress a boy or be looked at as a cooler version of myself. I'm here to tell you now that change is a beautiful thing but if you are changing because someone else said you needed to, then fuck them. Not to be crude but that person doesn't deserve who you are. Change on your own terms and for your own happiness. Once you change for someone else you fall into a hole of just not even knowing who you are anymore. Let me tell you that's one of the hardest holes to ever try and dig yourself out of. You just keep trying and trying but it seems like you just keep falling deeper and deeper. It's mainly because you're avoiding the one thing you know you actually need to do. Forget about what other people think of you. If it leads you to a path where all you have is yourself then so be it. You are going to be happy i promise it. Sure it might get lonely but once you find your own happiness it will feel so much better to surround yourself with people who not only bring you happiness but people who compliment your own. Society is a cruel place and all it does it show you the awful sides of people. Once someone shows you who they truly are do yourself a favor and believe them. Don't you dare fall into the cycle of "normal" just because someone decides they don't like your weird. You deserve the whole fucking world ok? Once you believe that for yourself its easier to try and live that for yourself. Don't put other people in front of yourself and don't you dare let them tell you that you can't actually be yourself.
Blank sheets of paper and a pen.
Randomi'm trying to fix what I've become. People around me make it hard to do that. Here's my coping method. If you would like me to discuss a topic you may comment something you would like to read me talk about.