Chapter 1 - Discovering

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"Mom! Mom! Look what I found!" Inko jumped at the sudden slam of a door, turning around in her chair to see Izuku lay a limp animal on the table in front of her. She quickly got up, rushing to her son's side.

It had been about a week since I had been saved. Exactly 13 days since I had activated my quirk to hide. Exactly one day left before I turned back into my normal age.

Alright. I guess today is the day.

Good luck. Mahina sent a wave of reassurance. He's good and compassionate. He'll understand. Especially with his whole One for All thing with that hero All Might.

I hope so. I shifted slightly from my stretched out position on Izuku's bed, looking up at the ceiling. Hearing his steps near the door, I sat up, ears perked.

"Hey, Star." I felt my tail wag a bit faster as he set his bag by his desk and sat down next to me. The first few days living in the Midoriya household had been an abundance of new experiences and encounters for both Izuku and me.

Learning how to act like a wild animal had always been pretty easy, considering whenever a human usually saw us it was usually in a forest and all we had to do was let our wolf take control for a little while or just run away. Learning how to act like an animal in a household, now that had been the real challenge. Half of the time was spent mentally restricting Mahina from biting Izuku when he did something he shouldn't. The other half was constantly reminding myself to act less human.

Star. You're zoning out again. Do it already. Mahina lightly scolded me. I looked down.

Sorry, I guess I'm just kinda worried about his reaction. I glanced over at the boy in question, who had moved to lie down with his head by me.

Well hurry up and do it or else I will. I snorted, which as a wolf sounded like a cross between throwing up and a sneeze. The sound caused Izuku to turn his head towards me with slight concern. I shifted over and lightly booped his nose with my one, causing him to smile.

Do. It. Now. Feeling the irritation and impatience, I mentally sighed and drew my head away from him. Slowly feeling the familiar pulls as my body changed into a human, well mostly at least. A pair of fluffy black wolf ears adorned my head, popping out of my similarly black hair. Releasing my quirk's power, Forgetting how big I actually was compared to my young wolf form, a startled yelp left me as I fell backward.

I groaned, opening my eyes. Shifting the remainder of my legs off Izuku's bed, I sat up, leaning against my elbows and looked over towards him. He hadn't moved a single inch and his eyes were wide. His mouth hung open and he just made unintelligible broken-up mumbles.

I awkwardly sat up fully, now sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"Surprise?" I smiled nervously.

Great job. You broke him. Mentally shushing her, I noticed Izuku finally moved off of his bed. I turned my head towards him, blinking as he continued to stare at me.

"H-h-h-how a-are" Izuku stammered.

"Sorry for pushing this on you, but I kinda couldn't keep my quirk going for any longer. A-and Mahina told me to 'cuz she thought it was the right time to do it, but I can go now if you want." I looked down, away from his shocked expression. "I'll just leave before your mom comes back." I slowly stood up, avoiding his gaze.

"Wait. Star, er- whatever your name is. You don't have to go. I have a million questions and animal or not, you're still a part of this family." Izuku quickly closed his mouth as I turned around to face him, a faint blush spreading across his face as I walked closer to him. I lightly sniffed the air, tilting my head in confusion. No hint of anything showing that he was lying.

"Are you sure? I'm not normal." I locked eyes with him, waiting for his response.

"It's fine." At those two words, I rushed over to him, closing the space in between us with a hug. We were about the same height so it wasn't that awkward as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me.

"Thanks." I buried my face into his shoulder as he rubbed my back comfortingly.

"No problem. You're a part of this family now."

Aww. Look at the two of you. Told you it'd be fine. I mentally rolled my eyes, smiling. I leaned back, peering at his face. With his cute dopey look and that happy smile.

"So now can you answer my questions?" I nodded happily as we moved back onto his bed, facing each other as he fired question after question and wrote down in his notebook.

A/N - Yay! The first chapter is out after how long! It's not very long (it felt longer when I was writing it), but I'm decently happy with it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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