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Maura's Pov:

I walked up the stairs of the house. The blue and white walls making me feel extra anxious. It was just so weird. Chico never took this long with people. He was always the one to be quick with his deals.

I walked down the halls and looked in our room. His men were packing my things into garbage bags and knowing how things worked around here, you don't ask questions. Especially if you were a girl. I was shocked however and knew to cause Chico some hell. He's been acting so weird lately.

Ignoring my calls, getting easily annoyed, spending late nights... It just doesn't seem to end. He even started working in his office more often instead of coming to bed. We even fight more and one time it got so bad he pulled a gun on me. I just wanted to know what was going on.

I walked down the hallway. My heels clicking on top of the groaning floor boards. I turned to the right like usual and stopped at his office door. I knocked on his door and waited for his answer, but when I got none I thought he was ignoring me for a reason and that this chick must have a very complicated deal. I was about to turn away from the door when I heard a grunt. I lost it.

I barged in and what I saw made my heart shatter. My Chico was letting that bitch ride him like some type of cowgirl. He laid flat on his desk and she was on top. He tapped her when he noticed me and I let the tears roll out. The red headed bimbo was still moving on top of him. He sat up so that she knew to stop and I had no words.

"You have nothing to offer me anymore, Maura." I wiped my face.

"How could you?" I asked. I don't get it. I mean we were in love one moment and then I felt used the next.

"You and I both know that we were only together to make a united front. So that we wouldn't appear as vulnerable. You were nothing but a short termed deal."

"What deal are you talking about!?" I yelled. He took the bitch off and came up to me.

"Your father made my father a deal and it so happened that you being the naive little slut you are, fell perfectly into place. I took over one of the most powerful mafias in New York, I got more money in the process. Your money specifically. Now i'm on to bigger and better things. Now collect your shit and get out. I got all I wanted from you and your family."

"You just used me like I was nothing. I didn't even mean one speck to you?" I had to ask. I was too in shock for anything more colorful to say to him.

"You whore. I told you I just wanted your power and money and now that I have that, you can leave me and my fiance alone. You didn't mean shit to me." I left it at that.

"You're smart, Maura. You can figure it out." Chico said and I saw a glimpse of the old him. His soft gaze when he was upset. His straight lips when he knew he didn't like something. But then a slight smirk flit across his face.

"Ha! Like that's supposed to help me any." I closed the door and walked back to our room. I put my hand to my head and his men noticed me. I went to my drawers and pulled out more of my clothes. I snatched the bags from his men and wiped my face again. Feeling the tears go down my face. I walked out the door with the heavy trash bags. My white heels getting messed up. I kept walking until someone offered me some help. She had nice brown hair and pretty teeth. Her fair skin looked enchanting in this weather.

She helped me get to the nearest motel and with the little cash I had, I managed to buy myself a small residency in room 12. The place was dark and dank. The roaches were crawling everywhere. The wallpaper was yellowing, exposing years of damage on the white walls behind them. I thanked the motel man outside and the woman who helped me get all of my stuff up to the room.

The first thing I did was flop on the dusty red sheets and cried my eyes out. I was so pissed. I had done nothing wrong but love and god had burned me. I had barely any money, nowhere to go after my money ran out, and I had no family that I can rely on. My older sister is in a home for special people,and my other siblings I haven't talked to in years. I was hopeless. Chico made me hopeless.

...................................6 years later.......................................

Maura's Pov:

I watched the people walk by my cold form. They smiled and shoved by. Not sparing a nickel or a dime. I felt the cold settle into my bones. My only comfort was my cardboard bed, my measly sheets and blankets that I stole from Macy's with ease, and my measly college diploma that everyone I went to for a job thought was a fake. There was no possible way that I had gotten my master's degree at the age of 16.

New York had easily chewed me up and spit me out and it was all because of him. Chico Depilla. "The King of the Shadows" as the druggies call him. He made me lose my job as a waitress. He bought my residency at the motel and he cleared out every last penny in my bank account. I had nothing but my diploma, stolen goods and the cardboard bed that protected me from the cold earth.

I saw the sun beginning to set and I got up, knowing the police would come and move me from the H&M store front. I tend to cause a lot of complaints for some reason. I was just trying to live the last few days of my life. After all, I couldn't go on like this forever. It wasn't possible.

I folded my things using my king sized sheets like a sack. Tying them so that it can act like a purse. A very large purse at that. But it was convenient to move everything I had. Even if it was trash.

All I knew was that I felt anxious to find a better place to sleep in. Someone spoke of it raining soon and in November that meant i'd catch a cold and have a harder bed to sleep in seeing as i'd have to use two pieces of cardboard in order to keep dry.

I walked for god knows how long. My feet were now scraped and leaving blood as I walked on. I knew I had walked out into some type of interstate filled with cars. Leaving the city behind. I didn't even notice it until I picked my head up. I was too clouded by my thoughts. I was too far from the city to turn back and I couldn't sleep on the green grass between the road. I still had too much dignity for that.

I coughed as the rain pounded down on me. Only making this walk to find something that would ignite my life more urgent.

I stopped abruptly and fell on my knees. I had yelled and cried out to the sleeping heavens for some mercy. Then I looked up and I found that the terrible wall I dropped by was a rusted metal gate. There was nothing but trees on either side and I wondered how long did they stretch for.

I went up to the gate despite the long dead grass blocking me. I stuck my head as far as I could between a set of rusting bars. They were scratching either side of my face. Before me, just a little ways longer, looked like a quiet street. No lights were on and it looked like nobody was inhabiting the buildings. Maybe they were all asleep. Although that would be impossible. New Yorkers never sleep right?

I pushed the rusting gates open and I walked through. I looked at everything around me and it resembled that of something in a modern day film of an old western. Just vacant. I kept walking not feeling comfortable with choosing a building to sleep next to or in. Since nobody lived here. It was as clear as day now.

Then I saw it and I started laughing like a mad woman. The entrance was boarded up and there was caution tape on it. But I supposed it couldn't hurt. I mean the building was still standing after all and it was tall. I made my way around the building and from right then and there I knew it was mine. Nobody else's. 

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