Chapter One

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Does he like me? I thought to my self. Don't be foolish Shannon of course he doesn't like you Why in the world would Calum Hood like you.

Hi,I'm Shannon. I'm kinda a book worm. I love to read books. My favorite books are The Fault In Our Stars, Maze Runner, Looking For Alaska, and Paper Towns.

I've had this crush on Calum since I have laid my eyes on him. He's in this band called 5 Seconds Of Summer. They are all cute but Calum is just OMG like fuck me till I bleed.

"Hey can I borrow a pencil" asked Calum.

"OMG Calum fucking Hood just fucking talked to me" I thought

" Ummmm... S-S-Sure " I stuttered.

As he reached for the pencil he touched my hand I literally almost let out a moan. His hands were so soft. Sadly, I have No chance with him.


Hey guys Well this is through first chapter to

Shannon looks like Ariana Grande.

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