Chapter 1:The beginning

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The muppet babies are playing tag along with rowlf. Fozzie is getting ahead of him. Nanny come and bought graham crackers and apple juice boxes for the muppet babies.
Nanny:Hi kids. I bought you some snacks for you. You might need more energy once you eat the graham crackers and apple juice boxes.
All:Thanks nanny. All the babies cheered and rushed toward their caretaker. Animal got their last, seeing as he was only able to crawl because unfortunately, he had not mastered the art of walking just yet, being obviously the youngest. Now there's enough to have only two crackers," explained Nanny. Everyone took there two crackers. As they munched, Nanny sat with them and tried to talk to them. Kids, I have just received some news," she explained. Everyone stopped eating and stared at her. What news, nanny?" asked Piggy. Nanny's unseen face had a sad expression. "Well, a big storm is coming. It's called a tornado," she said. The muppet babies gasped. Baby Animal jumped on Nanny's lap. "Tormato, nanny?" he asked. Nanny shook her head. Not tormato, Animal. Tornado!" she said. "What's a tornado, Nanny?" asked baby Gonzo, looking interested. "I guess I should say that a tornado is a swirling wind. You see, kids, we live in an area called "Tornado Alley"," replied Nanny. "Tornado Alley?" asked baby Rowlf, confused. Nanny took out a map of the U.S. She pointed at Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. "Right, Rowlf. It's an area where tornadoes happen. We live here," she said, pointing at Nebraska. "When's it supposed to show up, Nanny?" asked baby Skeeter. Nanny frowned. "I just heard on the radio that will right on top of us in fifteen minutes, so, apparently, we don't have much time," she replied. The muppets all gasped and looked worried. "How bad can a tornado be?" asked Piggy. "A tornado can destroy anything in its path, you see, so we have to pack all we can carry and leave here before it's too late. Another thing, the things you take with you has to be something you need like clothes," replied Nanny.

What about my makeup?" asked Piggy.

"And my piano?" asked Rowlf. "And my computer?" asked baby Scooter. Soon, all of the muppet babies started complaining. Nanny tried to calm them down. Kids! Kids! Listen, we can get more computers, pianos, and make-up, but we can't get another you. Things like your possessions are replaceable, but you kids can't be. Understand that?" she said. The muppets nodded. They started scattering around the room, finding their favorite stuffed animals and extra clothes, while Nanny was leaving and returning with a suitcase. She opened it. "C'mon, kids! Put everything you're taking in the suitcase. Hurry!" she cried. All of the muppets, except baby Animal, for he had no time to prepare at all, for the only thing he had with him was his favorite stuffed animal. Gonzo noticed this. He helped Animal.
"C'mon, Animal. Let's get going!" he said, picking him up and carrying him out the nursery, followed by the rest. They ran down the hallways and reached the front door. When Nanny opened the front door, there was wind blowing, fallen leaves being swept into the house, a funnel shaped wind charging towards them. The muppet babies had never been so scared in their lives. Animal placed his head into Gonzo's chest. All of the babies hid behind Nanny. Nanny grabbed all of the muppets and attempted to run out. When she ran out, she was intercepted by the tornado, dropping the babies. "KIDS!" she yelled as she was swept away by the wind current. Baby Kermit held out his running after her.
"NANNY!" he yelled. Piggy charged after him, and she stopped him. The tornado that held Nanny charged after them. Scared, the muppets ran back into the house and tried to look for cover. Unfortunately, the tornado wrecked its way into the house. It dismantled the ceiling, cracked the floor, and almost apprehended the babies. Instead, the tornado broke through a wall and the wall collapsed on the babies flat. The babies were knocked out for hours. After the tornado left Nanny's house in ruins and the babies collapsed under a wall, hours went by until later that night…

Baby Piggy was the first to wake up. She woke up and climbed out from under the wall. "Where am I? How did I get here? Who am I?" she asked herself. She stood up and found a piece of pink cloth. She looked at it and it had her name on it.
"Piggy…is that my name?" she asked herself. She looked into a broken mirror and saw herself. "Well, seeing as that is what I am, I guess that's my name…but who were those dead people I saw under the wall with me? I don't know, but I don't really care. I might as well get out of here and find a place to stay," she said to herself. It was true. She had amnesia. She could not remember anything. She could not remember Nanny, or her friends…not even Kermit. Kermit was the second to wake up. He crawled out from under the wall. He remembered his name, unlike Piggy, but could not remember her, or Nanny, or any of his friends, Gonzo was third. He woke not remembering anything, except the name of his favorite stuffed animal, Camilla. Rowlf woke up next. When he left, he lived on the streets until he was placed in a foster home. His foster parents taught him how to play the piano (Rowlf forgot how to do that as well). Scooter and Skeeter woke up afterwards. Luckily they remembered each other. They ran off together and lived in a tree house for the remainder of their childhood. Because Scooter forgot his love for computers, he was mostly bored, but not Skeeter. When she was 18, she ran off to the South American jungle, where she was never heard from again. Fozzie is the next one to wake up and forgot his jokes. Animal was the last one to wake. He looked at the ruined house and, of course, did forget. When he woke up, he crawled on the streets, and lived in a box.

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